Skincare Hacks for Workaholics with Beyonde Philippines

What are skincare hacks for workaholics?

  1. Keep makeup wipes beside your bed
  2. Tie your hair in a loose braid
  3. Use dry shampoo
  4. Stock up on all-in-one products
  5. Use petroleum jelly
  6. Drink water before bed


Every day we go through our daily routines outside of the home. Working, commuting, and simply eating out are just some of the daily activities that most working people have to face regardless of they feel. Oftentimes, people even work extra hours to finish up a task and wind up leaving the office feeling tired.

Aside from engaging in proper exercise and a balanced diet with supplements like Beyonde in the Philippines, there are simpler skincare routine tips that can help you prepare faster so you can get to stay in bed longer to catch up those extra hours of sleep. There are many instances when an entire skincare routine is thrown out of the window because the struggle of getting ready early in the morning is already consuming too much of our precious time. Here are some of the skincare hacks you can try so you’ll look healthy and beautiful without exerting a lot of effort:


Keep makeup wipes beside your bed

Workaholics often crave the feeling of going straight to bed after a long day at work, and the last thing you want to do is to spend a few minutes doing your beauty routine. You don’t want to wake up the next morning with a lipstick-stained pillow or even worse, a breakout from those clogged pores just because you missed a night washing your face. By keeping a pack of makeup wipes beside your bed, you can skip your 5-step evening routine with just one swipe.


Tie your hair in a loose braid

Tie your hair in a loose braid

Most of the time, girls sleep with their hair up in a ponytail to keep strands from constantly falling on your face. Want effortless hairstyle? Swap the ponytail with some loose curls. If curling your hair with an iron curler takes so much time, tie your hair in a loose low braid before going to bed.

Once you wake up, set to blow dry or run a flat straightening iron over the braid. Undo the braid and you have now gorgeous loose curls for the day. If you have thin hair, never tie the braid too tight. Use silk bands that can hold your hair in shape.


Use dry shampoo

Woke up with greasy hair but have no time to shower? Invest in dry shampoo. Dry shampoos are popular for people who are constantly on the go. Besides maintaining their hair clean and in place, it’s perfect for those lazy or busy days in between washes. By spraying on some dry shampoo will bring hair back to life from root to tip.

Make sure to choose a shampoo that keeps your hair smell great while also acting as a styling spray for longevity and volume. These products not only make your hair volumized, but they also keep your tresses from clumping while even adding in some shine.


Stock up on all-in-one products

Stock up on all-in-one products

Multi-tasking products are every busy girl’s best friend. From tinted moisturizers with SPF and lip and cheek tints, you can skip steps from your everyday routine so you’ll have extra time in activities other than preparing for work.

When buying beauty products, it’s a great idea to stick to those that target more than a single skin or beauty problem. Using all-in-one products can also help in lessening the number of items in the bag you bring every day. Lastly, make sure to find products that will suit your skin type.


Use petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly can be used in many of your everyday needs. You must definitely include it on your skincare must-haves. Suffering from cracked feet? Apply a good amount of petroleum jelly before going to bed, and wearing comfortable socks will surely keep your feet smooth. Want your favorite perfume last the whole day? Apply a pea-sized amount on your neck and wrists before spraying. Petroleum jelly can even be used as a lip balm when you have chapped lips.


Drink water before bed

Drink water before bed

While having six to eight hours of sleep can do wonders for your skin, most people tend to get dehydrated while sleeping. Before going to bed, try to consume one large glass of water to help keep you refreshed. It will provide your body with sufficient water levels needed to flush all unwanted toxins inside, cleansing the system.

This is especially important for you if you’ve consumed oily and fatty foods for dinner or have been drinking alcohol. You can also consume drinks with antioxidants like Beyonde Maqui Plus that reduce risks of age-related diseases and promote overall being.


Key Takeaway

There are days where we feel as though we have no time at all for doing skincare routines. With these skincare hacks, you can still feel your absolute best without exerting too much effort.

From different skincare products and easy-to-follow tips, you can still look healthy and beautiful inside and out along with the help of proper exercise and balanced diet with supplements like Beyonde in the Philippines.

4 Well-Loved Skincare Tips from Around the Globe

What are well-loved skincare tips from around the globe?

  1. Sunscreen is your anti-aging best friend
  2. Less is more
  3. Treat your skin once in a while
  4. Stock up on skin-loving nutrients



Everyone has a skincare shop or business they trust to find products to improve their skin. For example, people go to Aviance Philippines to find luxury facial washes, moisturizers, and more. Yet, sometimes people need more than that to care for their appearance. If you are one of those people, then, these are additional skincare tips from around the globe to help you:



Sunscreen is your anti-aging best friend

Koreans are one of the most youthful looking people on earth. Their appearance is not only thanks to the skincare products they wear at night, but also the products they wear during the day. One of their essential morning skincare items is the infamous sunscreen.

Sunscreen lotion has gotten a bad rep over the years. Most people think that sunscreen brands out there only offer formulas that are not only sticky but also white enough to make you look like a ghost. Yet, sunscreen is scientifically proven to stop your skin from aging by the sun.

The reason this item can shield you from the UV death rays of the sun is that it has chemicals which are good at doing that. These chemicals are called “UV filters.” Additionally, sunscreen is cheap and easy to find. A lot of beauty products businesses, like Aviance Philippines, has at least one.

Despite what you may think, not all sunscreen is white and pasty. In fact, sunscreen has two types:

  • Mineral
    • This type of sunscreen composes of the UV filters zinc oxide and titanium oxide.
    • These filters form a physical barrier on your skin
    • Because it forms a physical barrier, this sunscreen comes out looking super white on your whole body
    • This is the type of sunscreen that scare most people because they feel it will make them look like ghosts
  • Chemical
    • This type of sunscreen composes of the UV filters which are organic compounds
    • Examples of these organic compounds are avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate, and octocrylene
    • Since it forms a chemical protection on your skin, and not a physical one, it comes out clear
    • This is what you wear if you are scared of sunscreen making you look like a ghost. Your skin will not become lighter even when you apply this.



Less is more

Less is more

French women are the ultimate “natural beauties”. When you seem them out on the streets in Paris, they proudly walk with minimal makeup and loose waves. We think that rocking so much beautify products every day is key to looking beautiful. Yet, these French ladies prove us wrong. They look fresher than women of other nationalities with even less effort.

This reason why they don’t have to do much is that they follow a solid skincare routine from a young age. This routine will rarely compose of more than 5 items because they stick to the absolute items which are:

  • Face Wash
  • Micellar water to remove makeup
  • Toner
  • Moisturizing cream at night (like Aviance creams)
  • Water sprays- hydrates your face in the middle of the day

The reason why they keep their products at a small number is first, because of affordability. Second, they rather spend time on more important things. Third, they understand that their skin is sensitive and it reacts negatively to too many products.



Treat your skin once in a while

Women in the United States are not afraid to splurge on their appearance once in a while. They are willing to pay for manicures, laser treatments, eyelash extensions, and other treatments because it will improve their beauty in the long term. This is the same as their skin care products.

While Americans have a daily skin care routine of maybe 5 items, they will insert a special item in this routine once or twice a week. This special item is meant to target problem areas. Yet, they understand using it every day will do more harm than good, so if they see the item like a special treat that they don’t get every day.

Some special skincare items that they use sparingly are:

  • Exfoliators (exfoliating the skin for the purpose of renewal)
  • Brightening skin care products (meant to lighten dark spots)
    • They can be in the form of creams (like brightening Aviance creams), serums and more



Stock up on skin-loving nutrients

Stock up on skin-loving nutrients

Brazilian women understand that outer beauty comes from within. Within your body, technically. The country has a lot of fruits, such as acai berries, which have antioxidants that are proven to help improve your appearance when consumed.

The skin is just like your internal organs. It needs also needs essential nutrients to function properly. Eating right every day will also make you look good every day.



Key Takeaway

People usually have a skincare shop or business they trust. They will go there whenever they need to stock on products that will help their skin and body. Yet, sometimes this is not enough to improve their appearance. This list is meant to offer skincare tips for people who want to do more for their looks.

Aviance Philippines: What Type of Collagen is the Best?

What are the different types of collagen and which is best for your health needs?

  1. Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth
  2. Type II Collagen- cartilage
  3. Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles, and blood vessels



With skin care products like Aviance in the Philippines, collagen supplements are slowly becoming a big hit, whether in the form of powder, pills, or drinks. Collagen is without a doubt the most abundant protein and it is responsible for regenerating new tissues. It is a building block in the body and contains different kinds of protein which serves separate purposes of the body. People swear by its beauty and health benefits like the power to smooth skin, strengthen bones, improve digestion and shinier hair, but did you know that there are 28 different types of collagen that have been identified and the majority falls in three categories: Type I, II and III. Improving your overall fitness requires a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise, and of course, your overall lifestyle.

There is certainly the most ideal supplement that will fit your needs. Note that not all collagen supplements have the same micronutrients or fundamental ingredients, so always make sure to read the label before your daily intake. Here’s all you need to know about the different types of collagen as well as its benefits and how to choose the best collagen supplements that suit your health requirements:



Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth

Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth

If you’re looking for skin-related benefits, this type of collagen is a priority. Type I Collagen is primarily found on your eyes, skin, tendons, bones, and teeth. It comprises ninety percent of the overall skin, hair, organs, bone, and ligaments. Type I is often grouped together with Type III for improving elasticity and hydration of the skin. Type I is considered to be the best type of collagen because it helps improve circulations in the hair and skin since it is the largest organ of the body.

A key component for Type I collagen is that it should have enough biotin. Biotin is a nutrient that supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. Research says Marine collagen is known for its anti-aging benefits that include minimizing wrinkles and improving bone and hair quality. It can be taken in many forms like Aviance Cream, and food supplements such as pills or in powder form. Type I collagen can help avoid signs of skin-aging and thinning of hair.



Type II Collagen- cartilage

Type II collagen takes up the majority of the protein inside your cartilage or the connective tissue that supports the back, jaw, and joints. It also helps in improving muscle repair along with faster recovery from injuries, and even reducing joint pain. The perfect supplement for Type II collagen should have glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid which is perfect for maintaining healthy functions over joints.

Type II collagen is mainly sourced from chickens and is abundant in chicken broth which is known for boosting the immune system and joint-supporting properties. Best to take Type II collagen supplements before bedtime on an empty stomach. For better results, don’t take it with Type I and III.



Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles and blood vessels

Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles and blood vessels

Similar to Type I Collagen, Type III is the second most abundant type in your body. It can be found in your intestines, muscles, and blood vessels. Type III collagen helps form arterial walls which are an important part of cardiovascular health. It provides structure and is often associated with Type I collagen despite in smaller amounts, so you may use products that contain both collagens, whether in form of Aviance Cream or a multitude of various food supplement products. Type III collagen supplements are often made of Bovine (cow) sources. Make sure to choose supplements rich Bovine collagen which is rich in Type I and III.



Key Takeaway

Your health is undeniably your greatest asset. We should invest significant portions of our efforts for constantly improving and even enhancing the state of our bodies and minds. When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, never forget to start and stick with the basics: sleep/recovery, nutrition, and physical movement. Once you have built a strong foundational base for these fundamentals, you’ll find that dietary supplements can indeed play a major role in optimizing your core health needs.

Now that you know the three main categories of collagen and how to choose the right supplements for each type, be more mindful when looking for the most comprehensive benefit possible. It’s better if you choose supplements that contain a variety of the types mentioned above.

Many skincare products like Aviance in the Philippines have the right amount collagen that you may need for adequate dietary supplementation and assistance. Before taking your collagen supplements, make sure to read the label in order to properly assess micronutrient levels in accordance with making your best judgment, combine this with eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, and you’ll be feeling better healthier, and more fit than ever. Health is well and more importantly, we should feel good both inside and out.

7 Reasons Why Skincare Routines Should Be Observed

What are the reasons why skincare routines should be observed?

  1. The skin needs to be taken care of
  2. Our skin can regenerate daily
  3. Skin types may differ
  4. Beautiful skin does not happen overnight
  5. Prevention of skin diseases is better than their cure
  6. Skincare routines are more affordable
  7. A skincare routine will help establish other healthy routines



With the rise of effective skincare products like Aviance in the Philippines, more people are finding out the need to create a skincare routine that works well for them. Various motivations like wanting to clear acne, skin moisturizing, and blemish reductions are the reasons why there is the need to have a great skincare routine.

Aviance cream does a good job by being a great addition to skincare. Having one will aid whatever skin ailment you may be complaining about and it is not just about maintaining the right appearance for everyone to see. Reducing skin problems is also a great way to boost your confidence and to leave you feeling fresh even when you are tired. Here are some of the reasons why skincare routines should be observed!



The skin needs to be taken care of

The skin needs to be taken care of

As you may know, the skin is one of the largest organs in your body and it acts accordingly in order to protect you from harmful elements. Taking care of your skin shouldn’t be viewed as a chore, instead, you should see it as a top priority. The skin serves as a protective layer against any infection that can attack your immune system. There’s more to keeping your skin healthy than buying the most expensive products. You have to know which products you can trust like Aviance in the Philippines. Make sure that you only use trusted and reliable brands in order to avoid skin ailments and problems.



Our skin can regenerate daily

Do not be satisfied with seeing the healthy appearance of your skin in the present time because skin cells shed every minute, every day. You cannot be sure that the healthy skin you have today will stay tomorrow. Skin shed so you risk it being dull and dry. Having a skin care routine will minimize these risks and you can employ products such as detoxifying masks or serums to achieve this. Skincare routines can help remove the dead skin and promote skin glow, primarily the reason why you should create your very own skin regimen now.



Skin types may differ

Skin types may differ

Do not be tempted to copy your friend who doesn’t seem to mind having a skincare routine. All skin types are different. You should realize that a daily skincare routine requires a personalized approach to it. Find a customizable skincare routine that is best suited for your skin type and needs, this will make all the difference in promoting great skin health.



Beautiful skin does not happen overnight

A skincare routine helps in speeding up the process of achieving beautiful skin. It is said that having perfect skin is a lifelong process so developing a skin care routine will help you keep beautiful skin in the long run. This coincides with the fact that bad practices in skincare will result in negative effects for your skin. And will bring about harmful effects for your skin in the future.



Prevention of skin diseases is better than its cure

Prevention of skin diseases is better than its cure

Avoiding potential skin problems is better than finding a cure for them. Fixing skin issues in the future will prove to be more problematic than going through measures to prevent it. Making efforts to promote a healthy skin will reduce the time that you will use to see dermatologists and address skin issues which can be too pricey and painful. Do not neglect your skincare routine because following gentle practices to take care of your skin will lessen the risk of having skin diseases.



Skincare routines are more affordable

Taking care of your skin in the way you know how will be less costly in the long run. This is in addition to preventing skin issues like acne, pimples, acne scars, wrinkles, skin discoloration, dryness, oiliness, etcetera. Having a skin care routine will prevent trips to the dermatologist to address these issues. When you have a routine that works, you wouldn’t need to spend more on professional help because doing things at home works for you. Just know that you can use organic products so the ingredients would not be as harsh to your skin.



A skincare routine will help establish other healthy routines

There is a certain discipline to following a skincare routine so this transcends to other health routines as well. Adding a skincare routine to your lifestyle will result in the development of better health habits. This would include hair care, healthy diet, or an overall active lifestyle. Doing one on top of the other will make you feel and look great. This will serve as a great confidence booster because taking care of your skin will definitely result in a healthier and more nourished appearance.


Key Takeaway

Having a skincare routine with products such as Aviance cream will make all the difference in improving your overall skin health. Know how to treat your skin right so you can avoid future skin problems that can be worrisome. Create your personalized skin care routine now!

Drop Your Skin Care: Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Copy Other People’s Routines

What are the reasons why you shouldn’t copy other people’s skincare routines?

  1. Expensive products are not necessarily effective
  2. Substituting one product for another is risky
  3. You will be prone to breakouts
  4. There is the possibility that it would do absolutely nothing for your skin
  5. The risk of using too many products at the same time



Women who post a selfie with their glowing skin and a no-filter disclaimer always get this reply: “Drop your skin care routine here, sis!” Of course, who wouldn’t want that same clear complexion that you can show off to the world? Everyone does. Not only is it a great indication of healthiness but it can also do its magic to boost your confidence.

Unfortunately, not every product works for all types of skin in the same way that Aviance does. There are reasons why the effective routine that works for others would not work for you, and you would be surprised how many of these you’re doing right now.

Before you copy that seemingly effective skin care routine, here are the reasons why you should seriously avoid it:



Expensive Products Are Not Always Effective

You might feel inclined to cop the latest from that pricey brand but truth is, you shouldn’t be pressured to spend a big amount of money and expect instant results. Instead of the price tag and the extravagant brand, you should look for the ingredients that would work for you.

Chances are, you may even be allergic to some ingredients that these expensive brands hold. It’s not like every product can be as good as Aviance and give you the value for money that you are looking for. So do not be tempted to buy the same product that your beauty guru is obsessing over because you should test the effectiveness on your own skin first.

Always remember that you should choose products that are friendly for your skin type because this is what matters at the end of the day.



Do Not Substitute One Product for Another

Do Not Substitute One Product for Another

The thing about copying a skin care routine is that it will not guarantee that your skin will be free of blemishes after you do it. In fact, it may even come off worse than before! Most people make the mistake of using one product instead of the other which defeats the purpose of that product.

For example, you may have heard that you can substitute your facial cleanser with a makeup remover but this would be a big no-no! You need facial cleanser on the daily. Makeup remover wipes or solution are used for the purpose of wiping off the makeup but they do not get in deep your skin just like a cleanser does.

Another example: do not treat micellar water as a toner because this product does not have the essential nutrients that a toner has. Unless you find a product that has double properties, then you should stick to single-purpose products for your skin care routine.



You Might Be Prone to Breakouts

Experiencing negative results from copying a skin care routine all boils down to this: you are using the wrong products for your skin. Breakouts are your skin’s response to using the wrong products. And those red, angry bumps that you see in your face means bad news.

In order to prevent this, you should identify which products are causing the negative reaction and stop using them altogether. Visit your dermatologist and consult him or her about the products that you are using and see if there will be noticeable changes once you stop or start using one. Evaluate each product that you are using then take the time to see how your skin will adjust to them.



The Possibility of Doing Absolutely Nothing for your Skin

The Possibility of Doing Absolutely Nothing for your Skin

When you are starting a skincare routine, you should allow 2-3 weeks before your skin adjusts to the products you are using. It is stressful to be impatient and want instant results, but you should remember that it is important to let your skin breathe and give it time. Accept that products do not yield results overnight. First off, you should know that results depend on the type of product and the specific solution that it can give to your skin.

Products that target spot treatments take about ten days to take effect. Anti-aging wrinkle and dark spots solutions may take up to a month to give you that result. Moisturizers and hydrating masks are the exemption to the rule because they can take effect almost immediately!



The Risk of Using Too Many Products at the Same Time

Noticing someone’s skin care routine means that you have a clear idea of what a routine should do for your skin. If you are drawn to copy other people’s skincare routine, you will risk using too many products at the same time because you will add those products on top of what you are using now.

This means bad news because you may notice symptoms like breakouts, irritation, dryness or oiliness caused by overloading of products. Stick to what you have and what works for you because this is the suitable choice for your skin.



Key Takeaway

When it comes to skincare routines, aim to make it as personal as possible. Do not use products without consulting your dermatologist first. Keep your skin healthy with foolproof products like Aviance and you are good to go. Before you know it, you will have that clear and healthy skin you always wanted.

Building a Skin Care Routine with Unilever Network Philippines

What are the products from Unilever Network Philippines that should help you build a skin care routine?

  1. Cleanser
  2. Moisturizer
  3. Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen
  4. Toner
  5. Serum
  6. Exfoliator
  7. Eye Cream



Customizing skincare routines can be intimidating for some because figuring out what products to use can make your head spin. Good thing that Unilever Network Philippines can hand all of the essential products to you to make your DIY skin care routine a success. The secret to an effective skin care regimen is to know the best products for your skin type. Eliminating excess dirt from your skin is just the first step, maintaining a healthy skin would be the challenge. Anyone with great-looking skin knows the importance of using products that are specifically formulated for their skin type and you should too!

With Unilever Network Philippines, you would not have to worry about harsh chemicals penetrating your skin, just know the products that you should include in your routine and you are all set to have the perfect skin. Check it all out below:




It is not a great skincare routine if you do not start it with a cleanse. Washing your face every morning and every night should be mandatory. Cleansing is essential because this is the secret to getting the best results in skin care. To do this, you should look for a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type and stick to it.

People with oily skin types find that foaming cleansers help them remove any excess sebum on their skin’s surface. Meanwhile, dry skin types need cleansers that contain moisturizers that won’t strip the skin with its much-needed hydration. Lastly, sensitive skin types would benefit from micellar waters that would be suitable to rid their skin of any debris and imperfections.





The presence of this product in skin care routines should not be compromised. Moisturizing after a cleanse will help you replenish whatever hydration your skin lacks. Having oily skin may drive you to skip out on the moisturizer but you cannot trick your skin into denying the need for its hydration.

If you do not use a moisturizer, your skin will produce more oils because the sebaceous glands will work in overdrive to compensate for what the skin treats as a lack of moisture. This is why moisturizers are very important in skin care – you should know better than to ignore this fact.


Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen

The sun’s harsh rays can bring about many types of skin problems. From skin-aging to dark spots, the heat and glare that comes off it would scrape off whatever progress you have made in your routine. You cannot be indoors at all times, so having a broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen on hand is the solution to this problem.

This product can protect your skin against UV rays that might cause problems to your skin. Together with sunscreen, you can also practice habits that can keep you safe like seeking shade, wearing sunglasses, bringing an umbrella or a hat to keep you away from the sun.





Hydration is the key and toners can help you achieve a perfect skincare routine. Toners remove excess dirt, oil, and impurities that are lying on your skin’s surface even after your daily cleanse.

There are also products that help balance the skin’s PH which is clearly helpful if you find yourself vulnerable to skin problems. Lastly, you should know that toners can help prep your skin to lock in moisture which will bring you great results.



Serum or Facial Oil

A serum or facial oil is an investment that you should think about adding into your regimen. Serums are used before moisturizing since it adds hydration to your skin. The great thing about these products is that you can choose from any number of formulas, each containing varying benefits to your skin.

Using a serum can help address the different signs of skin aging all while brightening the appearance of skin over time with continued use.





Cleansing just covers the surface area of the skin while exfoliating goes up against the deeper levels of your pores. If you have a dull-looking skin tone or you notice a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, you should find an exfoliator to solve these issues.

Buy a chemical exfoliator that is specially formulated with alpha-hydroxy acids like glycolic acid or enzymes from natural sources like pumpkin or papaya. Exfoliating your skin can help get rid of impurities like blackheads, whiteheads and shrink your pores in no time.



Eye Cream

Eye creams are just add-ons to a skin care routine but you would need it if you think that those “noticeable” is an understatement for the dark circles under your eyes. Eye creams can also help you deal with under- eye wrinkles and puffiness. Look for one that is formulated for these specific concerns and consider making it a part of your daily routine.



Key Takeaway

These products will give you an idea about how to properly build a skincare routine but it is best if you can consult with a dermatologist first rather than diving into it. In taking care of your skin, always remember that it is important to get results the natural way rather than forcing it. With Unilever, you can start your routine with ease, leaving you looking confident and perfectly happy with your skin.

Unilever Network Philippines: Everything You Need to Know About Double Cleansing


What are things you need to know about double cleansing?

  • It removes sweat, bacteria, and old skin cells.
  • It helps in the removal of pore-clogging and irritating environmental agents.
  • It lessens breakouts and acne.
  • It lightens your complexion.



A lot of people have a misconception that double cleansing is only about washing your face twice. But it is definitely a lot more than just taking off your makeup and getting rid of the dirt on your face.

Double cleansing, especially with products from Unilever Network Philippines, will force you to reformulate your skincare regimen.

This is a simple and easy way to achieve a much cleaner face because it gets rid of excess makeup, deep-seated oil, and dead skin that the typical face wash cannot. Double cleansing is also useful if you are living in a polluted climate, or if you are constantly exposed to the harsh rays of the sun.

The secret to a better skin is not just about the products you are using or in how much time you spend on skincare, but knowing an effective method and sticking to it. Double cleansing is one of those methods.

So how does double cleansing lead to a cleaner and clearer skin, and what are the benefits it can give you? Read on to find out!



It removes sweat, bacteria, and old skin cells.

It removes sweat, bacteria, and old skin cells.

Double cleansing gently draws out debris on your skin such as sweat and dirt. Using an oil cleanser can help you get rid of excess dirt can be the cause of your breakouts.

Cleansing two times will clean your pores and remove any impurities that keep you from having a natural skin. This is especially useful if you are living in a pollution-ridden city, with the levels of smoke and dirt that you encounter resulting in acne breakouts.

It is also scientifically proven that pollution and environmental toxins can accelerate the aging process. So if you’re probably wondering why you feel so haggard and stress all the time, this is probably because of the environment you are in.

So this proves that you also need to take into account your lifestyle when double cleansing to maintain the clear skin you have achieved.



It helps in the removal of pore-clogging and irritating environmental agents.

Adhering to the double cleansing technique helps in reducing pore-clogging and irritating environmental agents. As previously mentioned, you have to think about the environmental factors because they might hamper you from achieving a nourished skin.

Since double cleansing is not just a matter of wash, rinse, and repeat, the cleansing oil you’ll initially be using will dig in deep in your pores to remove any excess dirt that might be hiding there. This method also combats dryness and dullness.

Using only facial cleansers that are water-based can still leave off your makeup and dirt in your skin because rinsing them off doesn’t mean that you have completely eradicated makeup and grime on your face. Try a gentle face wash to use with your oil-based cleanser; these two will allow you to wholly reap the benefits that this skincare regimen can offer.


It lessens breakouts and acne.

It lessens breakouts and acne.

In order to do the proper cleanse, you have to be thorough with your technique. Do not use products that will leave your skin dry. You may choose from the wide variety of Unilever Network Philippines’ skincare products to start your double cleanse routine now.

Be mindful of other products that promise a clearer skin because, most often than not, they will be the cause of your breakouts. Choose the one that delivers results.

Double cleansing is known to lessen breakouts and cystic acne because of its properties that can remove the first layer of sebum, makeup, sunscreen and deeper layers of pore bacteria. This will give way to a clear skin even in skin types that are easily irritated.



It lightens your complexion.

Looking to achieve a radiant, blemish-free complexion? Double cleansing is the answer to that.

In double cleansing, the first cleansing with an oil-based cleanser sloughs off the dirt from your face. This leads to a smoother and more supple skin. After that, the water-based facial wash maintains the cleanliness of the skin; this will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated.

Because of these numerous cleansing properties, your skin will be free from dullness, giving way to a lightened complexion!

This method is also beneficial to sensitive skin types because it will gently remove excess sebum without drying your face.



Key Takeaway

Know your skin type before you go on a double cleansing routine. Although this method is suitable for all skin types, it also pays to know everything you need to know about this skincare method first.

The results will not be worth it if you cannot maintain them, so make sure that you have the right set of products to help you. Confused? Then look no further because the Unilever Network Philippines products are here!


5 Skin Benefits of a Healthy Diet

What are the 5 skin benefits of a healthy diet?

  1. Clear Skin
  2. Sun Protection
  3. A Fresh Complexion
  4. Natural Glow
  5. Moisturized Skin



The key to nourishing your skin is by taking care of it as much as you can.

You should invest in reliable skin care tools like your moisturizer, toner, and Beyonde products to supplement the beauty of your skin.

But aside from these, are you paying attention to maintaining a healthy diet?

Knowing what food to eat to make your skin look better is a step in optimizing your nutrition practices so that you can receive as much health benefits as possible.

The good thing about having a healthy diet is that you have can have a supplement partner like Beyonde to help your body get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals it needs.

At the same time, it is an ideal way for you to achieve a radiant complexion and a natural glow.

These skin benefits you can get with a healthy diet will convince you to shift your attention from unhealthy food to nutritious ones.

Clear Skin

There are many products promising clear skin if you try them, but an all-natural method will help you avoid committing skin blunders.

Eating food that contains vitamin C is vital for the formation of collagen, which is the skin’s support structure. A strong support layer helps smooth out the top layer of your skin and helps reduce blemishes.

The best food to consume for this are the following:

  • whole grain foods,
  • strawberries,
  • citrus fruits,
  • red peppers, and
  • broccoli.

A low-glycemic diet, such as that found in white bread and sugar, may reduce acne.

This is because a low-glycemic diet keeps your insulin steady, while carbohydrates and sugar can elevate it, resulting in a boost in androgen hormones that can cause pimples.

Aim for consuming a slice of bread or a cup of cooked grains each day so you can have the whole benefit of having a clear skin.



Sun Protection

Sunburn can be annoying especially when you want to achieve a fairer and lighter skin.

Apparently, all the time and attention you put into your skincare routine can be ruined by just a short time frolicking in the sun. Eating healthy can help you combat this, allowing you to do more outdoor activities with confidence.

The best food to help protect you against the harsh rays of the sun contain vitamin E. Sunflower seeds and almonds contain antioxidants that can help protect you against agents like UV rays and pollution. Vitamin E can help guard your skin’s outer membranes, allowing them to be strong enough to keep your skin hydrated.

With this health benefit, you can match the sun’s radiance and be active confidently.

A Fresh Complexion

If you are the type to shy away from vegetables, then this is the sign that you should be eating more of them, since vegetables are a foolproof way to achieve a fresh complexion.

Green leafy vegetables, as well as those that are dark orange or red, can give you a dose of vitamin A.

This can regulate your cell production; that is, old cells will be replaced by new ones, leaving your skin’s surface smooth. Additionally, these vegetables contain beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene which is a plus for your skin since they are an excellent way of sloughing off dry skin and furnishing your skin with freshness.



Natural Glow

Everyone wants to achieve a youthful glow. That is why many people are now investing in age-defying products or procedures. But little do they know that a healthy flow can be achieved by using some of the ingredients in your kitchen.

The reason why a natural glow seems unachievable is that there may be a deficiency in zinc and iron—the two key minerals to having a healthy skin. Zinc contributes to the production of cells, as well as the shedding of natural cells which keeps your skin beautiful and devoid of a dull texture.

On the other hand, consuming foods rich in iron helps your red blood cell in ferrying oxygen to the skin—this is also a primary reason for that glow. To achieve this, you can opt to add fortified cereal, lean meat, poultry, and oysters to your diet.

With moderation, this can give you more benefits than what is previously stated.


Moisturized Skin

You may have heard of this a million times already, but water intake contributes to a healthy skin. It’s simple—if you are dehydrated, then your skin will look parched since skin cells mostly contain water.

Ward off dehydration and dryness by having a consistent supply of water nearby. This doesn’t mean that you should have a huge jug of water with you at all times. In fact, you can still remain hydrated by consuming water-enriched food such as fruits and veggies.


Key Takeaway

These skin benefits are a great motivation for maintaining a healthy diet. Having a healthy body is beneficial in preventing common skin diseases and infections.

You should also combine this practice with Beyonde products which can supplement you with the right amount of vitamins and minerals aside from those you will get from your food intake.

Aviance: Emergency Treatment for a Pimple Before a Date

What are the effective emergency treatments for a pimple?

  • Purchase Aviance products.
  • Do not pop the pimple.
  • Use an extractor.
  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste.
  • Apply a few drops of honey.
  • Dab on some lemon juice.
  • Apply witch hazel.
  • Dab on rosewater.
  • Make green tea ice cubes.
  • Apply concealer.


Most people spend plenty of time to look presentable for a date.

Some people, in fact, spend a day at the salon to prettify themselves before a date night.

Imagine: preparing the most flattering dress, killer heels, and even getting your nails done, only to find out that a large pimple appeared the day before your date.

You rack your brain for the reason behind this pimple’s presence. And then you remember that you’ve been too preoccupied with stressing about this special event that you forgot to focus on your daily skincare regimen, which is full of Aviance products.

Don’t go popping that pimple just yet! Here are some emergency home remedies for that monstrous pimple.


Main Goals When Getting Rid of Acne

In order to successfully get rid of a pimple, here are the key points to keep in mind.

  • Un-clog the pore.
  • Directly kill the bacteria that caused the pimple to appear (which is found in the pore).
  • Make sure that both the pore and the skin surrounding it heal immediately.


Steps to Do When Trying to Clear out Skin


  • Purchase the Aviance products that you need for your regimen.

The products from Aviance can provide the necessary cleansing and restoration for your skin without being too harsh.



Do not pop your pimple.

  • Do not pop your pimple.

It may be tempting to pop a pimple because doing so seems to extinguish the problem, but don’t do it!

In fact, doing so would just make the situation worse, because it will turn into an open wound and eventually form a scab.

Though it is not advisable to cover a pimple with makeup, like concealer and foundation, a pimple is still easier to cover up than an open wound.


  • Use a pimple extractor.

Only use this to check if the plug can already be removed from the pore.

Just loop the extractor around a pimple and see if the plug will pop out easily.

If it does not, then do not force the plug to come out. Doing so will only cause the pore to erupt, which might lead to hemorrhage on your skin.


  • Apply some toothpaste.

This may be a surprising technique, yet it is highly effective.

Toothpaste labeled as “plaque fighting” has gentle bactericides that fend off bacteria in the mouth.

The bacteria-fighting ingredients of a toothpaste can prevent the development of pimples. These active ingredients can penetrate even deep into the skin’s dermis layer, which is where acne-causing bacteria breeds.



Apply a few drops of honey.

  • Apply a few drops of honey.

Honey has a very powerful antibacterial property that can be useful against pimple-causing bacteria.

It is also hygroscopic, which means that it draws out the skin’s moisture where these bacteria breed and grow.

In addition, the low pH level hinders any further development of the bacteria on the skin.


  • Dab on some lemon juice.

When trying this method, make sure that the pimple has not undergone any physical trauma. If it is applied on a popped pimple, lemon’s acid could burn an open wound and eventually lead to scarring.

Lemon contains ascorbic acids which can act as an antibacterial, which can help ward off the acne-causing bacteria and dry out the blemish.

It can also be used as an astringent to shrink down the size of the pores and tighten the skin.

As an added bonus, lemon is also an effective bleaching agent for old acne scars and dark spots. Just make sure to avoid direct exposure to sunlight afterward, since the lemon extract made the skin sensitive towards the sun.


  • Have a hot water and salt session.

Mix in some salt with hot water. Afterward, soak some paper towel in the blend and position it directly over the concerned area.

The skin’s pores will open up because of the hot water, and the salt will dry out the excess oils.



Dab on some witch hazel.

  • Dab on some witch hazel.

Soak a cotton ball with a witch hazel astringent, then gently press it against the pimple for a minute.


  • Make some rosewater.

Aside from a natural and long-lasting fragrance, rosewater also helps calm down and repair the skin.

There are some bottles of rosewater sold in drugstores and beauty counters, but it can also be done at home.

Place freshly removed rose petals in a pot and pour in an ample amount of distilled water in it. Make sure that you don’t put too much water, or else the mix will be too diluted.

Simmer the mixture over medium heat for twenty to thirty minutes.

Afterward, strain the rose particles. Store the blend in a jar and apply to the problem area.



Freeze some green tea into ice cubes.

  • Freeze some green tea into ice cubes.

Rubbing frozen green tea over the affected area two or three times a day can help soothe the skin and ease the swelling. Plus, the green tea acts as a natural astringent.


  • Apply a concealer.

For worse case scenarios, and if the pimple does not dry out before the date, you may need to apply a concealer. But make sure that the concealer is non-comedogenic, so that the pimple’s condition will not worsen.


Key Takeaway

There are plenty of ways to calm down a pimple, and most of them are remedies that you can do at the comforts of your home.

But at the end of the day, prevention is still better than cure.

To make sure that your skin is in its prime condition during a date, then don’t forget to stock up on your trusted skin care products from Aviance.