Aviance Philippines: What Type of Collagen is the Best?

What are the different types of collagen and which is best for your health needs?

  1. Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth
  2. Type II Collagen- cartilage
  3. Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles, and blood vessels



With skin care products like Aviance in the Philippines, collagen supplements are slowly becoming a big hit, whether in the form of powder, pills, or drinks. Collagen is without a doubt the most abundant protein and it is responsible for regenerating new tissues. It is a building block in the body and contains different kinds of protein which serves separate purposes of the body. People swear by its beauty and health benefits like the power to smooth skin, strengthen bones, improve digestion and shinier hair, but did you know that there are 28 different types of collagen that have been identified and the majority falls in three categories: Type I, II and III. Improving your overall fitness requires a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise, and of course, your overall lifestyle.

There is certainly the most ideal supplement that will fit your needs. Note that not all collagen supplements have the same micronutrients or fundamental ingredients, so always make sure to read the label before your daily intake. Here’s all you need to know about the different types of collagen as well as its benefits and how to choose the best collagen supplements that suit your health requirements:



Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth

Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth

If you’re looking for skin-related benefits, this type of collagen is a priority. Type I Collagen is primarily found on your eyes, skin, tendons, bones, and teeth. It comprises ninety percent of the overall skin, hair, organs, bone, and ligaments. Type I is often grouped together with Type III for improving elasticity and hydration of the skin. Type I is considered to be the best type of collagen because it helps improve circulations in the hair and skin since it is the largest organ of the body.

A key component for Type I collagen is that it should have enough biotin. Biotin is a nutrient that supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. Research says Marine collagen is known for its anti-aging benefits that include minimizing wrinkles and improving bone and hair quality. It can be taken in many forms like Aviance Cream, and food supplements such as pills or in powder form. Type I collagen can help avoid signs of skin-aging and thinning of hair.



Type II Collagen- cartilage

Type II collagen takes up the majority of the protein inside your cartilage or the connective tissue that supports the back, jaw, and joints. It also helps in improving muscle repair along with faster recovery from injuries, and even reducing joint pain. The perfect supplement for Type II collagen should have glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid which is perfect for maintaining healthy functions over joints.

Type II collagen is mainly sourced from chickens and is abundant in chicken broth which is known for boosting the immune system and joint-supporting properties. Best to take Type II collagen supplements before bedtime on an empty stomach. For better results, don’t take it with Type I and III.



Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles and blood vessels

Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles and blood vessels

Similar to Type I Collagen, Type III is the second most abundant type in your body. It can be found in your intestines, muscles, and blood vessels. Type III collagen helps form arterial walls which are an important part of cardiovascular health. It provides structure and is often associated with Type I collagen despite in smaller amounts, so you may use products that contain both collagens, whether in form of Aviance Cream or a multitude of various food supplement products. Type III collagen supplements are often made of Bovine (cow) sources. Make sure to choose supplements rich Bovine collagen which is rich in Type I and III.



Key Takeaway

Your health is undeniably your greatest asset. We should invest significant portions of our efforts for constantly improving and even enhancing the state of our bodies and minds. When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, never forget to start and stick with the basics: sleep/recovery, nutrition, and physical movement. Once you have built a strong foundational base for these fundamentals, you’ll find that dietary supplements can indeed play a major role in optimizing your core health needs.

Now that you know the three main categories of collagen and how to choose the right supplements for each type, be more mindful when looking for the most comprehensive benefit possible. It’s better if you choose supplements that contain a variety of the types mentioned above.

Many skincare products like Aviance in the Philippines have the right amount collagen that you may need for adequate dietary supplementation and assistance. Before taking your collagen supplements, make sure to read the label in order to properly assess micronutrient levels in accordance with making your best judgment, combine this with eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, and you’ll be feeling better healthier, and more fit than ever. Health is well and more importantly, we should feel good both inside and out.

Aviance Philippines: Beauty Benefits of Collagen

What are the beauty benefits of collagen?

  1. Relieves inflammatory skin conditions
  2. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  3. Prevents cellulite and stretch marks
  4. Promotes healthy hair and nails
  5. Reverses skin aging



Aviance Philippines is constantly committed to bringing optimized health and skin benefits to all those who will take the opportunity to receive the prime advantages of its products. The Aviance Serum in particular, which comes in the variant of Collagen Matrix Advanced Firming and Repairing, suitable for wrinkle reduction for a firm, smooth, and youthful skin. Aside from these underlying benefits, what else can this serum deliver in terms of beauty benefits? Take a closer look here!



Relieves Inflammatory Skin Conditions

One of the best parts about collagen is that it can relieve a dozen skin ailments that can be bothering you. Thankfully, Aviance Philippines can give you this same benefit at your fingertips. Inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, acne, or psoriasis can be vastly reduced by collagen, not only that but it can also help relieve the pain, frequency, and the severity of breakouts that comes with it.

The healing power of collagen found in Aviance Serum is greatly attributed to the several amino acids such as proline and glycine which can help in the reduction of inflammation from inside out. Aside from its skin benefits, collagen is well known to provide optimized health benefits in the digestive system as well. It is often prescribed to act as a maintenance for digestive health conditions because it helps to coat the digestive tract against diseases. This is probably the reason why your overall health can reflect in the appearance of your skin and collagen can help improve it.



Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles 

Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Collagen is regarded as one of the most important nutrients you can have for your skin. The body naturally produces collagen but certain factors such as aging can decline the production of collagen naturally. If your ability to produce collagen is hindered, it is only natural that your collagen levels will decline. This will result in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles together with the disappearance of the moisture and plumpness in your skin due to the loss of skin elasticity.

This is why many creams and serums hold the same promise that the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles will be a result of your product patronage. While the reality is, not a lot of products deliver on this kind of promise which is why you should only trust a well-established brand name in the industry like Unilever Network Philippines.



Prevents Cellulite and Stretch Marks

A lot of women (and sometimes even men) gasp in horror at the sight of cellulite and stretch marks. It can be hard to get rid of these pesky skin encounters if you do not subject yourself to laser treatments or the like. To save yourself from unnecessary expenses that clinic treatments can give you, you should just invest in an effective serum for your skin. Cellulite appears because of the loss of elasticity in the skin or if you experience a drastic weight loss. Also, it can be spurred on by your genetic makeup, hormonal fluctuations, age, and the decline in collagen production.

Collagen will help in reducing the traces of stretch marks and cellulite. To take your collagen production up a notch, you should also consider antioxidant intake or collagen supplements which will guarantee a boost in collagen production, not to mention that these are all-natural ways to stimulate collagen production and ensure maximum beauty benefits.



Promotes Healthy Hair and Nails

Promotes Healthy Hair and Nails

Aside from its skin benefits, collagen can also do a lot more for your hair and nails. Collagen contains protein which is what you would need for a strong and shiny hair as well as healthy nails. Using collagen will increase the amount of protein in your body which can help split ends, giving you thicker, shinier, and silkier locks. It also promotes healthy nail growth especially when you combine it with an amino acid-filled diet.



Reverses Skin Aging

The primary benefit that draws people in using collagen is its ability to reduce the signs of aging. Instead of the negative effects that aging can exhibit in your appearance, collagen can promote glowing and vibrant skin instead. The essential proteins found in collagen is responsible for providing elasticity to the skin which helps it appear more youthful. You can also see a significant change in the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, loose skin, and dryness in your skin as you continuously use collagen.

It is a fact that people can have a slowed down production of collagen as we get older but using collagen serums and supplements can boost this production which will help in maintaining that natural glow.



Key Takeaway

Using collagen is a great way to maintain the youthfulness and radiance of your skin. Do not be fooled by those brands that will court you with empty promises but will give you failures in results instead. Use a serum from your trusted brand and see results in weeks!

When it comes to beauty benefits delivered by collagen, we are the team to talk to. Leave us a line here and find out how you can enjoy the same benefits listed here as well as share them with a lot of people.