Unilever Network Philippines: A Guide to Acne-Prone Skin

Unilever Network Philippines A Guide to Acne-Prone Skin_COVER

Having acne-prone skin is, to put it mildly, tough. When acne first started giving you nightmares, you might be nothing but a teenager stepping on the threshold of puberty. Horrified, you turn to Unilever Network Philippines and other products that are meant to cater to your skin’s finicky demands.


Day by day, you had to cope with a shiny face filled with pimples, red marks, and in worse scenarios, unsightly acne scars. If you’re unfortunate, then you might be a part of the vast population whose acne crisis didn’t end with their teenage years.


That is, years and years later, you still find yourself struggling with this condition.


If you suffer from acne, then you might want to equip yourself with the essential knowledge and information that will help you manage your skin problem much better. You don’t want to be engaging in practices that might make your condition infinitely worse. This article will tell you everything you need to know about acne-prone skin.


What is acne?

Acne vulgaris is one of the most prevalent skin diseases, affecting people of different ages, from different walks of life. It normally begins in puberty, when the body is going through myriads of hormonal changes.


Aside from relying on Unilever Network Philippines and other products, some of these people might have to seek medical attention due to the severity of their acne. In some instances, acne carries on until adulthood, and some people may have to grapple with this condition for most of their lives.


In another scenario, it’s also possible that acne will plague you only much later in life.


What is acne-prone skin?

Acne-prone skin is usually characterized by oily skin, as well as the appearance of blackheads and whiteheads. Aside from the face, acne can also be found on the neck, shoulders, chest, and back.


What causes acne?

If you have acne, then you might have heard of people accusing you of being dirty and having unhygienic practices. Although there is some truth in this, it doesn’t ring true all the time. In fact, even people who cleanse their face with Unilever Network Philippines products every day might still find zits popping up on their skin.


This is because acne doesn’t just equate to poor hygiene. In truth, there are several other factors that play a role in the formation of acne. Listed below are the major ones:


  • This happens when your sebaceous glands produce too much oil or sebum. This drastic rise in oil production can be brought about by hormonal changes, erratic weather changes, certain medications, or even genetics.This is the reason why most oily-skinned people often suffer from acne.
  • This pertains to the thickening of the outer layer of your skin. This thickening is comprised of dead skin cells. This added layer does a lot of things. For one, it can clog your pores, which might lead to acne, among other things.


Aside from that, hyperkeratosis can also hamper your sebum production — that is, it might disrupt your oil production or cause your sebaceous glands to secrete more oil. Once more sebum is emitted, the dead skin cells will adhere to your skin even more. And what’s the end product when these two combine? You guessed it — acne, blackheads, or whiteheads.


  • The bacteria residing on the surface of your skin can build up and develop into papules, pustules, and cysts.
  • When you have an inflammation, your skin will be red and swollen.


In essence, acne often has something to do with excess oil, bacteria, and dead skin.


What triggers acne?

Acne is an extremely fastidious condition. One wrong move and you’ll eventually see a furious pimple on your face. You need to always exercise extreme caution. Listed below are some of the things that trigger acne.


  • Your diet. Studies suggest that there’s a relationship between your diet and the formation of acne. These foods can increase your sebum production andcause hormonal imbalance.


Here are some of these foods:


  • Chocolate
  • Spicy foods
  • Cheese
  • Nuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Sushi
  • Milk
  • Pizza
  • French fries
  • Bread
  • Soda


  • Too much sugar. Too much sugar can increase your insulin level, which can consequently lead to too much oil — something that’s bad for acne-prone skin.
  • Air pollution adds a layer of dirt on your face, which emphasizes even more the need to regularly wash your face.
  • Wrong products. You have to make sure that the products you’re using are suitable for your skin type. Otherwise, you’ll just be making yourself more susceptible to breakouts.


Acne-Prone Skin Care Routine

If you’re suffering from acne, then it’s vital that you invest in the appropriate skin care products. Choose products that can address your concerns, such as Unilever Network Philippines.


Furthermore, it’s also important that you stick to your regimen. Nothing is going to happen if you stop after a week, or after a month! Here is the recommended skincare routine for acne-prone skin.


  • Cleanse twice a day — no more than that. Too much cleansing, after all, is not good for your skin. Opt for a mild facial wash. If you want something stronger, then you should choose a cleanser that’s formulated for your skin type. Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide might help.If you wear makeup, then ensure that you completely remove it first before you cleanse.
  • Contrary to what other people might say, toning is important. That is, even for acne-prone or oily-skinned people. This fully eliminates the dirt and grit that might not have been removed by your cleanser. It also hydrates your skin and prepares it for what comes next — moisturizing.
  • Your skin needs moisture, so it’s best that you don’t skip this step. Select moisturizes that are oil-free and lightweight.
  • Once the moisturizer has fully settled on your skin, it’s time to apply topical acne medications. This could be an acne cream or gel. Here are some of the common ingredients found on acne treatments:
  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Retinoids
  • Antibiotics (such as clindamycin, erythromycin)


Some of these ingredients might be too drying, which stresses even more the need for moisturizing.


Ingredients to Avoid

If you are prone to having acne, then you must constantly be aware of the stuff that you put on your face. Doing so can be the difference between a clear skin and one that is riddled with pimples.


To manage your acne more efficiently, there are ingredients that you need to avoid. So before you purchase your makeup or skincare products, you first have to ensure that these products are devoid of ingredients that might be aggravating your skin condition.


Here are some of the ingredients that you should steer clear of.


  • Artificial color. This can be found on your lipstick, blush, or other makeups. You should be wary of it because it might irritate your skin.
  • Artificial fragrance. As with artificial colors, synthetic fragrance can also lead to breakouts. If you want to be on the safe side, then it’s best to opt for fragrance-free products.
  • Lanolin just pertains to sheep sebum. As you might already know, too much oil might not be such a good idea for acne-prone skin.
  • Mineral oil. Mineral oil can clog your pores, primarily because it forms a thin film on the surface of your skin. This layer might trap dead skin cells and bacteria – all of which can lead to pimples and whiteheads.
  • Petroleum is practically just oil. You already know what that means, right? You definitely don’t want to slather more oil on your already oily face.
  • Isopropyl myristate.Sure, it can make your face feel less greasy, but at the expense of having clogged pores and irritated skin? Maybe not such a good idea.


Bad Habits That You Should Avoid

Although your hormones are the usual culprit of acne, there are still tons of other factors that might be causing your skin to flare up. You might find yourself staring at that angry acne on your chin in sheer frustration, wondering what on earth could have gone wrong. After all, you thoroughly cleansed your skin. Your hormones aren’t acting up. And as far as you’re concerned, you did nothing to trigger that pimple.


So what happened?


Well, turns out, these aren’t the only reasons. There are also other unpleasant habits that you might not be conscious of doing — habits that are making your skin worse. Here are some of the bad habits that you should avoid.


  • Over-drying your face. Perhaps you’re wondering, how can this be a bad thing? Isn’t this suitable for your oily skin?


Unfortunately, stripping your face of oil and moisture (which your skin desperately needs — that is, including oily-skinned people!) is a formula for disaster.


When you cleanse your face with a harsh facial wash and skimp on moisturizer, your skin will be dehydrated, which will cause it to produce more oil. Yes, instead of improving your condition, you’re basically just going to make it worse.


  • Stressing yourself out.You’ve probably heard of this before already. And yes, there’s a great deal of truth behind this usual prattle.


Stress, after all, can spiral your hormones into imbalance, which can consequently wreak havoc on your skin.


  • Laundry schedule.When was the last time you washed your pillowcases or your blankets? If you keep them dirty and suffused with germs, then you’re just wasting the time and effort you spent in cleansing your face with Unilever Network Philippines’ products.
  • Hair products.Apparently, it’s not just the ingredients of your skincare and makeup products that might be making your acne worse. Your shampoo and conditioner might also have ingredients that aren’t appropriate for your skin condition.
  • Dirty makeup applicators.It doesn’t just end with ensuring that the ingredients on your makeup are safe for your skin. You also need to consider the state of your brushes, sponges, puffs, and so on. Make it a habit to clean them regularly!
  • Cleansing habits. Sometimes, how you clean your face can be counterproductive. Instead of improving your face, you might just be exacerbating it.For one, you need to be wary of exfoliating too often, as it might only irritate your skin.
  • Picking and popping pimples.Yes, it’s not a misconception. It’s actually pretty bad to pick on your pimple the moment you see it on your skin. Doing so can only lead to scarring. Additionally, you should also refrain from touching your face.


Managing Acne-Prone Skin with Unilever Network Philippines

Having acne-prone skin is never easy. You have to be conscious of everything you do. After all, managing your problematic skin isn’t just limited to monitoring the stuff that you put on your face. You also need to be mindful of tons of other factors that might trigger your acne, such as your diet and habits.


One impressive way of getting started is by investing in a skincare routine. If you don’t know where to start, then the Unilever Network Philippines team is ready to help you.


Unilever Network Philippines is committed to promoting proper hygiene and wellness practices. Our high-quality products guarantee that your skin is getting the care it rightfully deserves.


If you have any inquiries about our products, then don’t hesitate to contact us now. Our team is excited to help you!


UNET Philippines, being an independent distributor, aims to promote a lifestyle that embodies wellness and good hygiene. With our high-quality products, you are sure that you will only get the best.



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