The Best Beyonde Vitamin Supplements to Take for Healthy Hair

What are the best Beyonde vitamin supplements to take for healthy hair?

  1. B-vitamins
  2. Vitamin A
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Vitamin E



Our hair plays an important role in a person’s physical appearance and in our own perception of ourselves and of others. Sometimes, it also serves as a sign of health or a gauge for someone’s beauty and attractiveness. Hair is and will always be a part of our individuality, which is why hair loss can be a devastating experience for a lot of us. But did you know that there’s a way to counter hair loss using Beyonde supplements?

One possible reason for hair loss is genetics—something called hereditary-pattern baldness. It is not a disease, but a natural condition that is caused by specific genetic combinations and hormone levels and aided by the aging process. Aside from being a common condition, it is also one of the most prominent causes of hair loss.

Another possible reason for hair loss is vitamin deficiency. Like any body part, your hair also needs specific vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy and grow beautifully. While you can also link it to age, hormones, and genetics, proper nutrient intake is still key, so we’ve listed the best vitamin supplements that help maintain healthy hair!




We’ll be starting this off with B-vitamins even though we’ll be going through vitamins A to E because these are the best-known vitamins for healthy hair. Two specific B-vitamins that are linked to hair growth are biotin and pantothenic acid or vitamin B7 and B5, respectively.

Biotin deficiency is linked to hair loss in humans and is often caused by pregnancy, impaired liver function, and smoking. Biotin rebuilds hair that has been damaged due to exposure to sun, over-shampooing, blow drying, and ironing.

As for pantothenic acid—a less-known vitamin—it helps prevent hair graying and natural hair loss, both of which are the result of aging and cannot be reversed. Another function of pantothenic acid is it helps strengthen hair follicles and cells and allow them to function properly. Finally, it aids your scalp in getting rid of dead skin and clears the way for the growth of new hair.

These B-vitamins are used as alternative hair-loss treatments and has been proven most effective for those that have deficiencies. They can be found in most food sources like meat, seafood, leafy greens, and whole grains.



Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known for being the key to proper eyesight, but little do people know that it is also an effective weapon against hair loss. All cells, not just your eyes, need vitamin A for growth so it will naturally affect your hair which is the fastest growing tissue in the body.

The relationship between hair growth and vitamin A is centered on an oily substance called sebum. Vitamin A helps your scalp secrete this substance which prevents your hair from breaking off and/or drying out. Aside from this, it also gets rid of free radicals that are responsible for weighing your hair down.



Vitamin C

Before we can explain what vitamin C does to keep your hair healthy, we first have to define oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the imbalance between free radical production and antioxidant defenses. This disturbance in the balances prevents the body from countering the harmful effects of free radicals, which include hair growth problems such as blocked growth and hair loss and aging.

Thankfully, you can protect yourself against oxidative stress through the intake of vitamin C—a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies free radicals. On top of this, vitamin C is also needed by the body to create collagen—a kind of protein that is part of the hair structure.



Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Alopecia or spot baldness—where hair is lost in patches—is more commonly found in people who have vitamin D deficiency. As a result, patients with alopecia are often screened for vitamin D deficiencies and are prescribed with vitamin D supplements. With proper supplementation, the scalp can create new follicles or pores where new hair can grow.

The easiest way to get vitamin D is to bathe in the sun but we all know that this isn’t an ideal option especially during the hot summer days. The best way to consume vitamin D is through foods like fish, eggs, mushroom, and such or through dietary supplements.



Vitamin E

Vitamin E works almost similarly to vitamin C where it helps neutralize free radicals and fight off oxidative stress. Research has shown that people who take vitamin E supplements have experienced a significant increase in hair growth. Additionally, applying vitamin E topically to your scalp also improves blood circulation.

Sunflower seeds, nuts, leafy greens, beans, and avocados are great sources of vitamin E. It can also be applied topically—as mentioned above—and taken as a supplement.



Key Takeaway

There are many reasons behind hair loss—genetics, aging, hormones. These are natural occurrences that cannot be prevented or reversed. Nutrient deficiency, however, is the one cause of hair growth problems that we can fight off.

You can do this by eating a proper and balanced diet of meats, fruits, vegetables, and more. Or, if despite eating a balanced diet you are still found with a deficiency, you can always take dietary supplements. Beyonde products like the Beyonde Life Sential is a great source of these vitamins as well as other types of minerals.

One thing you have to remember, however, is that large doses of these vitamins can also harmful especially if you are not deficient. So it is crucial that you work with a professional, that is your doctor, to determine the right amount of dosage that you need or can take.

Stress Management Techniques for Every Hardworking Individual

What stress management techniques can help hardworking individuals?

  1. Learn to say “no”
  2. Step away from the stressor
  3. Take deep breaths
  4. Go for a walk
  5. Treat yourself



Stress—everyone who’s anyone has experienced and continues to experience it in their everyday lives. At some point, we’ve all believed that there’s nothing that can be done about stress. No amount of medication or products from Unilever Network Philippines will relieve us of the pressure and allow us to regain control.

While this is a common belief, it is also the exact kind of thinking that will prevent us from avoiding stress. In reality, we have a lot more control over our lives than we think and that is the secret to managing stress. Realizing that we have the power to change things is the first and most important step in stress management.

Once you’ve had this realization and have regained control of our lives, you can then make use of these stress management techniques that are sure to help you out whenever you’re in unhealthy stressful situations.



Learn to Say “No”

Some people have a hard time saying “no” to people both on a professional and personal level and it is often the cause of unnecessary stress. Agreeing to everything and putting too much on your plate is a definite recipe for stress.

Now, this is a hard thing to unlearn as we’ve been taught that saying no is impolite, so treat it is a process and take one small step at a time. You can politely say no to a colleague’s invitation if you really aren’t up to eat out or see a movie.

There’s also no shame in saying no to your supervisors who are asking you to report on holidays and rest days or are generally just looking to increase your workload especially if you know that it will only lead to disaster.



Step Away from the Stressor

Step Away from the Stressor

It’s not always healthy to avoid stressful situations; some you have to face head-on and address appropriately. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to put up with everything that is causing you stress. In fact, you’ll be surprised at the number of stressors that you can eliminate.

If, for example, there’s someone that is constantly causing stress in your life, then limit the time you spend with the person. If the relationship becomes toxic and neither parties are benefitting, then consider terminating the relationship completely.



Take Deep Breaths

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to find balance and clear your head, then take slow deep breaths. This is the oldest trick in the book but it is also one of the easiest and most effective stress management techniques.

Simply inhale for five seconds, hold your breath, and exhale through the nose in equal counts. It also helps to imagine the stress melting away as you exhale. You can do this once you’re starting to feel stressed or anytime during the day just to maintain your composure.

The trick here is that you are allowing your mind and body to focus on a single activity. Through practice, you’ll be able to apply this to different aspects of your life beyond just breathing.



Go for a Walk

Go for a Walk

Notice how people in the movies love to abruptly end an argument and go for long walks? Then the film cuts to a clip of them talking to themselves as they walk along parks or sidewalks. After a few minutes, they then return home with a clearer mind and the argument is settled in a peaceful manner.

While most of the things we see in movies are fabricated and don’t work in real life, this one, in particular, is quite accurate. Going for a long walk or doing some kind of exercise when your stressed—or in their case, mad—can be a huge reliever.

The activity prompts your body to release endorphins which make you feel good and serves as a distraction from your negative thoughts. A short 10-minute walk is enough to make you think clearly and more reasonably, allowing you to tackle the situation in a much smarter and civilized manner.



Treat Yourself

Treating yourself is one of the best ways to relieve stress, but it should be done in moderation. You can’t treat yourself to something pretty or something delicious every single day. That’s just wasting money and we can guarantee that you won’t be feeling good by the end of it.

The best way is to actually treat yourself with massage therapy. Massages reduce the levels of cortisol—the stress hormone—in our body which leads to better moods and lower blood pressure. While doing this, it will also boost serotonin and dopamine which, in high levels, help reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

However, this doesn’t mean that massages are the only way you can relieve stress. You can buy something that you’ve had your eye on or eat at a fancy restaurant. Anything that will make you feel good but won’t have you waking up with buyer’s remorse.



Key Takeaway

Living with high levels of stress puts your entire well-being at risk. It ruins your emotional equilibrium as well as your physical health. When you’re constantly stressed, you also lose the ability to think clearly and function effectively. More importantly, you lose the ability to enjoy life.

It would be nice if stress could be removed by consuming products from Unilever Network Philippines or taking medication, but that’s just not how it works – at least for most of us. This is why it is important to learn effective stress management techniques that are practical and doable.

There are many others stress management techniques but the 5 listed here are some of the most effective. They’re also the easiest ones to do and only one of them calls for the use of money. So if you ever find yourself in a stressful situation, consider doing one or two of the things listed above and the result might just surprise you!

Beyonde Health: Surprising Benefits of Antioxidants

What are the surprising benefits of antioxidants?

  1. Antioxidants help in the fight against cancer
  2. Antioxidants offer protection from heart disease
  3. Antioxidants delay the signs of aging
  4. Antioxidants can save your sight



There is no shortage of antioxidants in the world. They are abundant in fruits like strawberries and grapes and in vegetables like raw spinach or green raw kale. You can even find them in other food types such as nuts, herbs, legumes and grains, and more. Aside from occurring naturally in these food groups, there are also manufacturers who produce supplements like Beyonde products that are packed with antioxidants.

Antioxidants, whether taken naturally or through supplements, are, in more ways than one, good for your health. Everyone knows of this fact, but not many can explain or say exactly what they do—how they are good for us.

On the most basic level, antioxidants battle against free radicals – oxidizing agents that damage the cells. Free radicals can appear due to exposure to pollution and certain chemicals, radiation, smoking, and also as a byproduct of metabolism. In short, free radicals naturally occur in your body and are unavoidable. The only way to combat these free radicals is through the intake of antioxidants.

Antioxidants fight against free radicals—that is their most basic function—but they do more than just that. And that’s what we’ll tell you! Just what do antioxidants do and what are the benefits of including them in your diet plans?



Antioxidants Help in the Fight Against Cancer

Free radicals, as said previously, damage the cells in your body. Sometimes they do this by altering the cells’ operating instructions and prompt them to reproduce uncontrollably. Once this happens, it may lead to the formation of cancerous tumors and, eventually, cancer.

Admittedly, antioxidants are not the solution to cancer, although studies have shown that they are capable of protecting your body from the disease. Given their ability to fight inflammation, antioxidants can stifle the growth of these tumors by either demobilizing or scavenging free radicals.

Other studies have also shown that antioxidant supplementation can help during the treatment process because the body’s supply of antioxidants drops when undergoing cancer treatment.



Protection from Heart Disease

Antioxidants Offer Protection from Heart Disease

There are many types of antioxidants and almost every one of them offers a different kind of benefit; a kind of protection from a certain kind of disease. Vitamin C and polyphenol, for example, have shown potential in protecting us from heart disease.

Polyphenol is an antioxidant that helps prevent the oxidation of fat. As a result, internal inflammation is limited and the risk of heart disease and diabetes is lowered. You can find polyphenol abundantly in light-roast coffees. They can also be found in dark roasts and tea albeit in smaller doses.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, can be found on several fruits and vegetables. As per studies, this specific nutrient can lower the risk of stroke by as much as 50%. Moreover, the regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables helps protect the heart and prevent other cardiovascular issues and diseases.



Antioxidants Delay the Signs of Aging

Years and years of environmental damage can harm the skin and prevent it from looking and feeling healthy. Moreover, as the damage builds up, the skin slowly loses the ability to recover and bounce back. And this is how signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and other age spots surface from the body.

Luckily, antioxidants can help shield the surface of your skin from rapid deterioration as well as calm stressed skin as a defense against the visible effects of pollution. As a result, the wrinkles and fine lines that are so evident in your face eventually softens and your skin regains a firmer feel. Put simply, the signs of aging are delayed, but not removed, and you retain younger-looking skin for a longer time.



Save Your Sight

Antioxidants Can Save Your Sight

Carrots are good for your eye health—you’ve probably heard this over a million times from your parents or guardians. Well, you can’t really blame them for asking you to finish your carrots during every meal because the statement is 100% true.

Carrots are indeed good for your eye health because they are load with beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that our body converts to vitamin A and it is an essential nutrient in maintaining good vision.

Aside from beta-carotene, there are other antioxidant phytochemicals that are possibly important in preserving your vision. An example of this is lutein, a carotenoid found in spinach, collard greens, and kale. Lutein is used by the retina cells located at the back of the eyeballs in order to ward off free radicals that cause eye damage.

If you properly and regularly consume supplements or food that are loaded with these antioxidants, your chances of developing cataracts and other eye-related diseases can significantly decline.



Key Takeaway

Whether you take them naturally or through supplements like Beyonde, it is safe to say that antioxidants are good for your health. But only in adequate amounts; too much of it can actually do more harm than good—as it is in most things.

If you exceed the required amount, you won’t be able to get any benefits from antioxidants, which means no protection against heart disease, cancer, aging, eye-related issues and many more.

So before you stuff your shelves with supplements and antioxidant-rich food, make sure to consult a doctor first! Ask a professional regarding the type of antioxidants you have to take as well as the required daily dosage for each. Doing this ensures that you get all the benefits and none of the risks and side-effects!

Pushing the Limits: 4 Supplements Recommended for Every Athlete

What are the best supplements for athletes and how can they affect athletic performance and overall health?

  1. Creatine Monohydrate
  2. Caffeine
  3. Protein
  4. Beta-Alanine



Athletes attempt to push the limits of the human body every single time they’re in training and especially when they’re in a competition. It’s a physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting job that can be made easier through the consumption of supplements from trusted manufacturers like Unilever Network Philippines.

Because athletes are constantly looking for alternative nutrition that will help them perform at their best, the sports-supplement industry has become a multi-million-dollar business. Eventually, his lead to a market that is oversaturated with a plethora of supplements that are supposedly helpful for the typical athlete.

You’d think that this has made it easier for them to choose the right supplement but it actually had the opposite effect. Athletes, especially those who don’t have a personal trainer or the weekend warriors whose idea of athletics is a few hours of pick-up games, are more confused than ever. They are finding it difficult to differentiate the supplements that work from those that don’t.

If you’re in the same position as these athletes, then you’re in luck because we’re about to tell you exactly which supplements are effective and dependable. Simply continue to read below to find out what these are and how they help you push the limits!



Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate or creatine is one of the most popular and effective power supplements for athletes. While there are many health products that claim to boost strength and performance, creatine is one of the few that actually delivers.

Research has shown that creatine offers improvements in muscular endurance, power output, and sprint and endurance performance. It also helps in increasing muscle mass and strength, which is the goal of many athletes.

Creatine is the best supplement to take for short-burst activities like lifting weights but is not as effective for long-term endurance activities like running. Still, it is a useful tool for athletes of all types.





It isn’t a shocker to find that caffeine is the most used stimulant in the world. Anyone in need of an extra kick early in the morning or late in the afternoon usually results to a cup or two of coffee. And that’s basically what it is to normal and non-athletic individuals—a simple stimulant that helps increase alertness.

As for athletes, caffeine is an ergogenic aid that helps increase fat oxidation, stimulate the release of endorphins, and reduce the perception of effort and fatigue. It also has a positive effect on weight loss, metabolism, and performance. Caffeine, however, has little to offer when it comes to strength performance and you’re better off taking creatine if you want improvements in that department.

The downside of caffeine intake is that, over time, your body will build up a tolerance, so the benefits will eventually decrease. To counter this, spending a few days without caffeine can help. It’s also important to stick to the effective dosage which is 3-6mg/kg prior to exercise.




Protein isn’t like the previously mentioned supplements that offer improvements in performance, endurance, and strength, but that doesn’t make it any less important. In truth, protein could be the most valuable of all as it is essential for recovery.

Your body uses protein to repair damaged cells and also to build new ones. It is essentially the building block of the cells which makes it a key component in the recovery process.

Whey protein is the most popular and fastest digesting protein powder by far and is the one athletes use the most. In as little as 15 minutes, it allows muscle-repairing amino acids to flow into the bloodstream.

The best time to take protein—regardless of type and form—is immediately after an intense workout.





Beta-alanine offers the best of both worlds as it is used by athletes to increase performance and improve recovery. It is a helpful and beneficial amino acid that can deliver benefits both during and after a tough workout.

To make it more clear, beta-alanine slows down the lactic acid buildup in the muscles during exercise which means it can delay fatigue if only by a little. Afterward, it helps reduce muscle soreness by boosting carnosine levels in the body.

There is one thing athletes have to note when they first take beta-alanine: it can cause your skin to tingle, but this only happens when you first start taking it and your body will eventually adjust.



Key Takeaway

Just to set the record straight, athletes don’t necessarily need to take supplements in order to reach their goals, but they do provide several benefits that make the journey easier and safer.

There are many reasons athletes should consider taking supplements from manufacturers like Unilever Network Philippines. One of which is the fact that athletes need more nutrients than the average person due to the physical stress and strain caused by training and competing.

Additionally, the stress and strain cause a lot of damage to the body which means that they will need to recover properly and speedily if they want to improve. The supplements listed above—creatine monohydrate, caffeine, protein, and beta-alanine—all help in fulfilling these things and more.

That said, we advise athletes to be wise about the supplements they put in their body. The supplements they take must be in line with the goals they want to achieve whether it’s to build muscle or increase endurance. If the wrong supplements are taken, it can prevent improvement and deter athletic performance, so keep that in mind!