Drop Your Skin Care: Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Copy Other People’s Routines

What are the reasons why you shouldn’t copy other people’s skincare routines?

  1. Expensive products are not necessarily effective
  2. Substituting one product for another is risky
  3. You will be prone to breakouts
  4. There is the possibility that it would do absolutely nothing for your skin
  5. The risk of using too many products at the same time



Women who post a selfie with their glowing skin and a no-filter disclaimer always get this reply: “Drop your skin care routine here, sis!” Of course, who wouldn’t want that same clear complexion that you can show off to the world? Everyone does. Not only is it a great indication of healthiness but it can also do its magic to boost your confidence.

Unfortunately, not every product works for all types of skin in the same way that Aviance does. There are reasons why the effective routine that works for others would not work for you, and you would be surprised how many of these you’re doing right now.

Before you copy that seemingly effective skin care routine, here are the reasons why you should seriously avoid it:



Expensive Products Are Not Always Effective

You might feel inclined to cop the latest from that pricey brand but truth is, you shouldn’t be pressured to spend a big amount of money and expect instant results. Instead of the price tag and the extravagant brand, you should look for the ingredients that would work for you.

Chances are, you may even be allergic to some ingredients that these expensive brands hold. It’s not like every product can be as good as Aviance and give you the value for money that you are looking for. So do not be tempted to buy the same product that your beauty guru is obsessing over because you should test the effectiveness on your own skin first.

Always remember that you should choose products that are friendly for your skin type because this is what matters at the end of the day.



Do Not Substitute One Product for Another

Do Not Substitute One Product for Another

The thing about copying a skin care routine is that it will not guarantee that your skin will be free of blemishes after you do it. In fact, it may even come off worse than before! Most people make the mistake of using one product instead of the other which defeats the purpose of that product.

For example, you may have heard that you can substitute your facial cleanser with a makeup remover but this would be a big no-no! You need facial cleanser on the daily. Makeup remover wipes or solution are used for the purpose of wiping off the makeup but they do not get in deep your skin just like a cleanser does.

Another example: do not treat micellar water as a toner because this product does not have the essential nutrients that a toner has. Unless you find a product that has double properties, then you should stick to single-purpose products for your skin care routine.



You Might Be Prone to Breakouts

Experiencing negative results from copying a skin care routine all boils down to this: you are using the wrong products for your skin. Breakouts are your skin’s response to using the wrong products. And those red, angry bumps that you see in your face means bad news.

In order to prevent this, you should identify which products are causing the negative reaction and stop using them altogether. Visit your dermatologist and consult him or her about the products that you are using and see if there will be noticeable changes once you stop or start using one. Evaluate each product that you are using then take the time to see how your skin will adjust to them.



The Possibility of Doing Absolutely Nothing for your Skin

The Possibility of Doing Absolutely Nothing for your Skin

When you are starting a skincare routine, you should allow 2-3 weeks before your skin adjusts to the products you are using. It is stressful to be impatient and want instant results, but you should remember that it is important to let your skin breathe and give it time. Accept that products do not yield results overnight. First off, you should know that results depend on the type of product and the specific solution that it can give to your skin.

Products that target spot treatments take about ten days to take effect. Anti-aging wrinkle and dark spots solutions may take up to a month to give you that result. Moisturizers and hydrating masks are the exemption to the rule because they can take effect almost immediately!



The Risk of Using Too Many Products at the Same Time

Noticing someone’s skin care routine means that you have a clear idea of what a routine should do for your skin. If you are drawn to copy other people’s skincare routine, you will risk using too many products at the same time because you will add those products on top of what you are using now.

This means bad news because you may notice symptoms like breakouts, irritation, dryness or oiliness caused by overloading of products. Stick to what you have and what works for you because this is the suitable choice for your skin.



Key Takeaway

When it comes to skincare routines, aim to make it as personal as possible. Do not use products without consulting your dermatologist first. Keep your skin healthy with foolproof products like Aviance and you are good to go. Before you know it, you will have that clear and healthy skin you always wanted.

Building a Skin Care Routine with Unilever Network Philippines

What are the products from Unilever Network Philippines that should help you build a skin care routine?

  1. Cleanser
  2. Moisturizer
  3. Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen
  4. Toner
  5. Serum
  6. Exfoliator
  7. Eye Cream



Customizing skincare routines can be intimidating for some because figuring out what products to use can make your head spin. Good thing that Unilever Network Philippines can hand all of the essential products to you to make your DIY skin care routine a success. The secret to an effective skin care regimen is to know the best products for your skin type. Eliminating excess dirt from your skin is just the first step, maintaining a healthy skin would be the challenge. Anyone with great-looking skin knows the importance of using products that are specifically formulated for their skin type and you should too!

With Unilever Network Philippines, you would not have to worry about harsh chemicals penetrating your skin, just know the products that you should include in your routine and you are all set to have the perfect skin. Check it all out below:




It is not a great skincare routine if you do not start it with a cleanse. Washing your face every morning and every night should be mandatory. Cleansing is essential because this is the secret to getting the best results in skin care. To do this, you should look for a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type and stick to it.

People with oily skin types find that foaming cleansers help them remove any excess sebum on their skin’s surface. Meanwhile, dry skin types need cleansers that contain moisturizers that won’t strip the skin with its much-needed hydration. Lastly, sensitive skin types would benefit from micellar waters that would be suitable to rid their skin of any debris and imperfections.





The presence of this product in skin care routines should not be compromised. Moisturizing after a cleanse will help you replenish whatever hydration your skin lacks. Having oily skin may drive you to skip out on the moisturizer but you cannot trick your skin into denying the need for its hydration.

If you do not use a moisturizer, your skin will produce more oils because the sebaceous glands will work in overdrive to compensate for what the skin treats as a lack of moisture. This is why moisturizers are very important in skin care – you should know better than to ignore this fact.


Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen

The sun’s harsh rays can bring about many types of skin problems. From skin-aging to dark spots, the heat and glare that comes off it would scrape off whatever progress you have made in your routine. You cannot be indoors at all times, so having a broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen on hand is the solution to this problem.

This product can protect your skin against UV rays that might cause problems to your skin. Together with sunscreen, you can also practice habits that can keep you safe like seeking shade, wearing sunglasses, bringing an umbrella or a hat to keep you away from the sun.





Hydration is the key and toners can help you achieve a perfect skincare routine. Toners remove excess dirt, oil, and impurities that are lying on your skin’s surface even after your daily cleanse.

There are also products that help balance the skin’s PH which is clearly helpful if you find yourself vulnerable to skin problems. Lastly, you should know that toners can help prep your skin to lock in moisture which will bring you great results.



Serum or Facial Oil

A serum or facial oil is an investment that you should think about adding into your regimen. Serums are used before moisturizing since it adds hydration to your skin. The great thing about these products is that you can choose from any number of formulas, each containing varying benefits to your skin.

Using a serum can help address the different signs of skin aging all while brightening the appearance of skin over time with continued use.





Cleansing just covers the surface area of the skin while exfoliating goes up against the deeper levels of your pores. If you have a dull-looking skin tone or you notice a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, you should find an exfoliator to solve these issues.

Buy a chemical exfoliator that is specially formulated with alpha-hydroxy acids like glycolic acid or enzymes from natural sources like pumpkin or papaya. Exfoliating your skin can help get rid of impurities like blackheads, whiteheads and shrink your pores in no time.



Eye Cream

Eye creams are just add-ons to a skin care routine but you would need it if you think that those “noticeable” is an understatement for the dark circles under your eyes. Eye creams can also help you deal with under- eye wrinkles and puffiness. Look for one that is formulated for these specific concerns and consider making it a part of your daily routine.



Key Takeaway

These products will give you an idea about how to properly build a skincare routine but it is best if you can consult with a dermatologist first rather than diving into it. In taking care of your skin, always remember that it is important to get results the natural way rather than forcing it. With Unilever, you can start your routine with ease, leaving you looking confident and perfectly happy with your skin.

A 5-Minute Night Time Skin Care Routine with Unilever Network Philippines

What is included in a 5-minute night time skin care routine?

  • Cleansing
  • Exfoliating
  • Treatment Products
  • Apply Serums
  • Use Eye Cream
  • Moisturize



There are days when you feel so tired that you just want to go to bed to get your well-deserved shut-eye. Every day, you go through activities that expose you to heat, pollution, and dirt, so it’s no wonder your skin is tired as well.

So before you think of snuggling up in bed, why not give your skin its well-deserved pampering too?

Replenishing skin care is easy with the products of reputable brands such as Unilever Network Philippines. Of course, these products aren’t going to apply themselves, so it’s up to you to formulate a routine and stick to it.

Results do not come overnight but having this 5-minute night time skin care routine will help you progress towards that glowing skin. Having an easy nighttime regime will help you boost your confidence for the next day and prove that beauty sleep really works.

Do not use exhaustion as an excuse for not undergoing a skin care routine. Unilever Network Philippines will be your partner in achieving the goal of skin recovery and rejuvenation.

With this, you will get a sounder sleep, knowing that you are ready to face the next day with a smile on your flawless face. Here are the steps in doing your 5-minute night time skin care routine:





A good cleanse is always essential to get rid of your makeup and the dirt trapped in your pores. To avoid breakouts from happening, never leave makeup on while you sleep. Cosmetics that you leave on your skin overnight are likely to clog your pores and can lead to skin blotches and irritations.

The residue of makeup still clings to your skin even if you wipe it off so a proper cleanse is essential for this.

Cleansing your skin should be always gentle. A gentle cleanse will remove bad particles that are harmful to your skin and it will leave enough of your skin’s natural oils behind.

Do this by using a cleanser and your fingertips, or use a soft washcloth. If you cleanse your skin too harshly or use harmful products, you could strip off all of the oil off your skin, leaving your skin dull and irritated.

Prevent future skin problems by going gentle on your skin and you’ll notice it becoming smooth and fair as well.




The next step that comes after you cleanse is exfoliating. Exfoliating daily would be too much for your skin so make sure that you do only do it once or twice a week.

Exfoliation will remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin which means that any treatment product that you apply afterward will be fully absorbed.

As they are able to dive deeper into the skin, exfoliants would not get blocked by dirt and rough skin cells that are sitting on the surface.

Exfoliate with a gentle, all-natural exfoliant because other products with crushed or ground ingredients can be too sharp and may even bring more damage to your skin.



Treatment Products

These treatment products include but are not limited to benzoyl peroxide, retinoid, topical acne medication, prescription creams, and face masks.

The mentioned products are useful in treating stubborn acne, age spots, uneven texture or anything in between. Applying them in the evening will result in a freshly cleansed skin.

Using these products have a number of skin care benefits like reducing clogged pores, evening out skin tone, anti-aging effects, and promoting collagen building.

Treating common skin problems with these products are effective because they contain active and intense ingredients that are optimized for every skin type. It works best if you follow a regular routine in applying them.

Soothing face masks after applying your treatment products will calm and cool your skin.



Apply Serums

Apply Serums

Serums contain concentrated active ingredients, and they are usually in smaller containers because using a little bit is enough to receive the skin benefits it gives.

Your skin is now cleansed, primed, and treated, so you would want to apply a serum at this stage.

Doing this on your bare and clean skin before applying moisturizer or heavy creams means that those concentrated ingredients will penetrate the skin without any problem.



Using Eye Cream

Eye creams are useful for brightening tired eyes and boosting collagen.

Incorporating it into your nighttime beauty routine will be an easy way to maintain a youthful glow because eye creams protect and hydrate the delicate skin in the under-eye area.

The under-eye area is very delicate because it has thinner skin. Applying an eye cream will allow you to reap all of its benefits. Incorporating it into your nighttime beauty routine will be an easy way to maintain a youthful glow because eye creams protect and hydrate the delicate skin in the under-eye area.

Take note that there are eye creams that are formulated with caffeine, which reduces puffiness, and niacinamide, which will increase moisture levels to keep skin from drying out and reduces wrinkles.




Moisturizers can energize your skin’s appearance because they can make your skin feel softer and supple. A great moisturizer contains antioxidants, peptides, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A.

Simply hydrating your skin with a reliable product will give you a beautiful glow.

As your skin cells regenerate at night, this is the ideal time to use a moisturizer to care for your skin.

Consistency is the key to a good moisturizer so always make sure that you put in a place where you can always see it.

Always guarantee that you won’t forget this important step in your nighttime skin care routine.



Key Takeaway

Having a night time routine will allow your skin to rest and keep it healthy. Make sure that you start with the lightest to the heaviest or thickest product. Be consistent in taking care of your skin and you will eventually be able to reap its long-term benefits.