Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Beyonde Calcium Supplements

What are the benefits of a healthy diet and Beyonde Calcium supplements?

  1. Controls Weight
  2. Mood Enhancer
  3. Lessens the Risk for Diseases
  4. Strong Bone Health



The thing about achieving a healthy diet is that it can be further enhanced by supplements like Beyonde and knowing the benefits of a healthful diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables that greatly improve the nutritional value of a person.

Healthy habits tend to differ from one person to the next but the thing that is similar to all of these practices is that they reap optimal health benefits. More than being adding to physical benefits, healthy habits also pertain to the behavior that ultimately satisfies a positive level of mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

With that said, you can see the advantages of a healthy diet to your physical health as aided by calcium supplements here:



Controls Weight

A healthy diet improves weight control as whole vegetables and fruits tend to have lower calories than most processed foods. If you are searching for the healthy habit that will aid you in your journey to weight loss, then it is as simple as creating a healthy meal plan and staying away from foods that can exceed your caloric requirements.

According to Healthline, studies have shown that low calcium intake can be associated with a high body mass index (BMI) and a chance to have a higher body fat percentage. When you seem to be gaining weight even after following a strict diet, this may be attributed to low calcium intake. That is why it is also recommended that you combine your diet with calcium supplements, so you can receive the additional vitamin that you may lack in the food that you eat.



Strong Bone Health

Mood Enhancer

There is existing evidence that suggests an association of your diet to the way your mood will turn out. This study by Breymeyer, Lampe, McGregor, and Neuhoser affirms that high-glycemic filled diets contribute to the rise of symptoms of depression, neurosis, and anxiety. You may not believe it but eating healthy keeps you happy.

The consumption of food that contains high amounts of processed chemicals also enables this research since it can contribute to low tolerance in mood enhancing attributes. Those supposed “comfort” foods like soft drinks, cakes, chips, and biscuits do not provide the same mood-enhancing quality as vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grains can deliver to you. Consider re-thinking your diet for these physical, mental, and emotional benefits that you will harvest in adopting a healthy diet.



Lessens Risk of Disease

It is called a healthy diet for a reason; it has the ability to ward off diseases that have a higher risk of ailing your body when you perpetuate an unhealthy diet filled with processed food. Taking care of yourself in the form of following a healthy diet with calcium supplements prevent certain health conditions like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

As healthy diets attract progressive physical, mental, and emotional results, this becomes a required activity that will benefit many people in the long run. Eating healthy also contributes to a steady blood flow and it can keep your cholesterol at bay. Just think about the many diseases you put yourself at risk for.

If you cannot bring yourself to imagine the negative effects of unhealthy living, then this is the list of health problems that you may contract if you do not start taking care of your health now:

  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Certain Types of Cancer
  • Health Disease
  • Stroke
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Metabolic Syndrome

A healthy diet paired with calcium supplements will be the great detractor for these diseases and several studies have also shown that they can improve your health condition to a significant level.

Calcium supplements and food products also contain enough nutrients to lower the risk of colon cancer and other related diseases. This is a great reminder that the benefits of a healthy diet with sufficient intake of calcium supplements will go a long way toward improving your overall health.



Strong Bone Health

Strong Bone Health

A low intake of calcium can increase the risk of osteoporosis and other bone defects. This is also one of the reasons why you should adopt a healthy diet with calcium supplements. With a healthy diet and the aid of calcium to increase the benefits of that healthy habit, you can harness strong bone health.

Aside from its significant benefits that aid in improving the quality of many bodily functions, the main benefit of calcium intake lies in its ability to improve the strength of bones. Getting enough calcium can do more to improve a person’s bone development and a diet with calcium is the solution to this.

As calcium is a mineral that helps bones maintain its strength, this is beneficial to you because this will allow you to participate in physical activities that you may not do otherwise.



Key Takeaway

With Unilever Network Philippines as your partner, you can achieve maximum improvements in health with an effective diet and a great calcium supplement. As these benefits continue to improve many people’s health value, the attitudes toward healthy habits have been improving.

Talk to us today and ask about the opportunities that you can get with Beyonde so you can share these same advantageous impacts for many people.

Drop Your Skin Care: Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Copy Other People’s Routines

What are the reasons why you shouldn’t copy other people’s skincare routines?

  1. Expensive products are not necessarily effective
  2. Substituting one product for another is risky
  3. You will be prone to breakouts
  4. There is the possibility that it would do absolutely nothing for your skin
  5. The risk of using too many products at the same time



Women who post a selfie with their glowing skin and a no-filter disclaimer always get this reply: “Drop your skin care routine here, sis!” Of course, who wouldn’t want that same clear complexion that you can show off to the world? Everyone does. Not only is it a great indication of healthiness but it can also do its magic to boost your confidence.

Unfortunately, not every product works for all types of skin in the same way that Aviance does. There are reasons why the effective routine that works for others would not work for you, and you would be surprised how many of these you’re doing right now.

Before you copy that seemingly effective skin care routine, here are the reasons why you should seriously avoid it:



Expensive Products Are Not Always Effective

You might feel inclined to cop the latest from that pricey brand but truth is, you shouldn’t be pressured to spend a big amount of money and expect instant results. Instead of the price tag and the extravagant brand, you should look for the ingredients that would work for you.

Chances are, you may even be allergic to some ingredients that these expensive brands hold. It’s not like every product can be as good as Aviance and give you the value for money that you are looking for. So do not be tempted to buy the same product that your beauty guru is obsessing over because you should test the effectiveness on your own skin first.

Always remember that you should choose products that are friendly for your skin type because this is what matters at the end of the day.



Do Not Substitute One Product for Another

Do Not Substitute One Product for Another

The thing about copying a skin care routine is that it will not guarantee that your skin will be free of blemishes after you do it. In fact, it may even come off worse than before! Most people make the mistake of using one product instead of the other which defeats the purpose of that product.

For example, you may have heard that you can substitute your facial cleanser with a makeup remover but this would be a big no-no! You need facial cleanser on the daily. Makeup remover wipes or solution are used for the purpose of wiping off the makeup but they do not get in deep your skin just like a cleanser does.

Another example: do not treat micellar water as a toner because this product does not have the essential nutrients that a toner has. Unless you find a product that has double properties, then you should stick to single-purpose products for your skin care routine.



You Might Be Prone to Breakouts

Experiencing negative results from copying a skin care routine all boils down to this: you are using the wrong products for your skin. Breakouts are your skin’s response to using the wrong products. And those red, angry bumps that you see in your face means bad news.

In order to prevent this, you should identify which products are causing the negative reaction and stop using them altogether. Visit your dermatologist and consult him or her about the products that you are using and see if there will be noticeable changes once you stop or start using one. Evaluate each product that you are using then take the time to see how your skin will adjust to them.



The Possibility of Doing Absolutely Nothing for your Skin

The Possibility of Doing Absolutely Nothing for your Skin

When you are starting a skincare routine, you should allow 2-3 weeks before your skin adjusts to the products you are using. It is stressful to be impatient and want instant results, but you should remember that it is important to let your skin breathe and give it time. Accept that products do not yield results overnight. First off, you should know that results depend on the type of product and the specific solution that it can give to your skin.

Products that target spot treatments take about ten days to take effect. Anti-aging wrinkle and dark spots solutions may take up to a month to give you that result. Moisturizers and hydrating masks are the exemption to the rule because they can take effect almost immediately!



The Risk of Using Too Many Products at the Same Time

Noticing someone’s skin care routine means that you have a clear idea of what a routine should do for your skin. If you are drawn to copy other people’s skincare routine, you will risk using too many products at the same time because you will add those products on top of what you are using now.

This means bad news because you may notice symptoms like breakouts, irritation, dryness or oiliness caused by overloading of products. Stick to what you have and what works for you because this is the suitable choice for your skin.



Key Takeaway

When it comes to skincare routines, aim to make it as personal as possible. Do not use products without consulting your dermatologist first. Keep your skin healthy with foolproof products like Aviance and you are good to go. Before you know it, you will have that clear and healthy skin you always wanted.

5 Skin Benefits of a Healthy Diet

What are the 5 skin benefits of a healthy diet?

  1. Clear Skin
  2. Sun Protection
  3. A Fresh Complexion
  4. Natural Glow
  5. Moisturized Skin



The key to nourishing your skin is by taking care of it as much as you can.

You should invest in reliable skin care tools like your moisturizer, toner, and Beyonde products to supplement the beauty of your skin.

But aside from these, are you paying attention to maintaining a healthy diet?

Knowing what food to eat to make your skin look better is a step in optimizing your nutrition practices so that you can receive as much health benefits as possible.

The good thing about having a healthy diet is that you have can have a supplement partner like Beyonde to help your body get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals it needs.

At the same time, it is an ideal way for you to achieve a radiant complexion and a natural glow.

These skin benefits you can get with a healthy diet will convince you to shift your attention from unhealthy food to nutritious ones.

Clear Skin

There are many products promising clear skin if you try them, but an all-natural method will help you avoid committing skin blunders.

Eating food that contains vitamin C is vital for the formation of collagen, which is the skin’s support structure. A strong support layer helps smooth out the top layer of your skin and helps reduce blemishes.

The best food to consume for this are the following:

  • whole grain foods,
  • strawberries,
  • citrus fruits,
  • red peppers, and
  • broccoli.

A low-glycemic diet, such as that found in white bread and sugar, may reduce acne.

This is because a low-glycemic diet keeps your insulin steady, while carbohydrates and sugar can elevate it, resulting in a boost in androgen hormones that can cause pimples.

Aim for consuming a slice of bread or a cup of cooked grains each day so you can have the whole benefit of having a clear skin.



Sun Protection

Sunburn can be annoying especially when you want to achieve a fairer and lighter skin.

Apparently, all the time and attention you put into your skincare routine can be ruined by just a short time frolicking in the sun. Eating healthy can help you combat this, allowing you to do more outdoor activities with confidence.

The best food to help protect you against the harsh rays of the sun contain vitamin E. Sunflower seeds and almonds contain antioxidants that can help protect you against agents like UV rays and pollution. Vitamin E can help guard your skin’s outer membranes, allowing them to be strong enough to keep your skin hydrated.

With this health benefit, you can match the sun’s radiance and be active confidently.

A Fresh Complexion

If you are the type to shy away from vegetables, then this is the sign that you should be eating more of them, since vegetables are a foolproof way to achieve a fresh complexion.

Green leafy vegetables, as well as those that are dark orange or red, can give you a dose of vitamin A.

This can regulate your cell production; that is, old cells will be replaced by new ones, leaving your skin’s surface smooth. Additionally, these vegetables contain beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene which is a plus for your skin since they are an excellent way of sloughing off dry skin and furnishing your skin with freshness.



Natural Glow

Everyone wants to achieve a youthful glow. That is why many people are now investing in age-defying products or procedures. But little do they know that a healthy flow can be achieved by using some of the ingredients in your kitchen.

The reason why a natural glow seems unachievable is that there may be a deficiency in zinc and iron—the two key minerals to having a healthy skin. Zinc contributes to the production of cells, as well as the shedding of natural cells which keeps your skin beautiful and devoid of a dull texture.

On the other hand, consuming foods rich in iron helps your red blood cell in ferrying oxygen to the skin—this is also a primary reason for that glow. To achieve this, you can opt to add fortified cereal, lean meat, poultry, and oysters to your diet.

With moderation, this can give you more benefits than what is previously stated.


Moisturized Skin

You may have heard of this a million times already, but water intake contributes to a healthy skin. It’s simple—if you are dehydrated, then your skin will look parched since skin cells mostly contain water.

Ward off dehydration and dryness by having a consistent supply of water nearby. This doesn’t mean that you should have a huge jug of water with you at all times. In fact, you can still remain hydrated by consuming water-enriched food such as fruits and veggies.


Key Takeaway

These skin benefits are a great motivation for maintaining a healthy diet. Having a healthy body is beneficial in preventing common skin diseases and infections.

You should also combine this practice with Beyonde products which can supplement you with the right amount of vitamins and minerals aside from those you will get from your food intake.

Beyonde Philippines: 6 Tips on How to Successfully Maintain a Healthy and Natural Lifestyle

What are some of the tips for a healthy and natural lifestyle?


  1. Take note of your purchases.
  2. Be mindful of what you are eating.
  3. Personally grow several fruits and vegetables.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Work out more.
  6. Consult a doctor regularly.


In this current society, it is extremely difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

With all of the hustle and bustle that is happening every day, fast food is a convenient meal option. One way to counteract this unhealthy diet is by exercising and working out regularly. Sadly, this too is fairly challenging, especially with the numerous daily activities that need to be accomplished.

One way to ensure that you are getting the required daily nutrition is with the help of Beyonde Philippines’ health supplements. Beyonde Philippines offers a variety of health supplements that target several nutritional concerns.

Health supplements are helpful, but a person’s lifestyle is still the main factor in the overall health of a person.
It can be challenging to keep up with your busy schedule and still have time to prepare a nourishing meal. Luckily, this article can give you some tips and tricks on how to maintain a healthy and natural lifestyle.


1. Watch what you buy.

The trip to the supermarket is already a weekly task, so you can start your adventure towards a healthy lifestyle there.

There’s no need to worry about the time constraint since it’s already a part of your schedule, after all.

Go ahead and check the label of the pre-packaged goods, making sure to veer away from unhealthy ingredients.

For reference, here are some of the ingredients that you need to be wary of:

  • Sugar. Added sugars carry calories but not enough nutrients. They can be concealed in ingredients like glucose, corn syrup, maple syrup, sucrose, and fructose.
  • Fats. Avoid fats to reduce the chances of acquiring pick up foods that have a low level of saturated and trans fat.
    The healthy fats that should be consumed are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These can be found in nuts, fishes, and vegetable oils.


Watch what you are eating.

2. Watch what you are eating.

The pre-packaged, processed foods being sold in the market contain hidden chemicals and artificial additives. Unfortunately, the more processed the food is, the less nutrition it has.

The best option to fully commit to a healthy lifestyle is to refrain from buying pre-packaged foods and to opt for more green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and parsley.

Lean meats can provide the needed protein requirement of the body, but with fewer fat level and lower calorie level.

Examples of lean meat are poultry like chicken (without the skin) and turkey. Such variants can provide the needed nourishment, such as selenium, choline, vitamin B3, and Vitamin B6.

For red meat, pork chop (excluding the fat) is a great source of lean meat.


3. Grow your own food.

The best way to make sure that your food is all natural and does not contain any artificial chemicals is by growing them yourself.

You don’t need to have a full garden; a small windowsill will do. There are lots of vegetables that can be easily grown in your home.

If you only have a small window to spare for cultivating plants, then lettuce is an excellent choice because it does not need a large area for growing. This is even more convenient since lettuce is considered a green leafy vegetable!

A few seeds in a small pot filled with moist potting soil will eventually germinate and grow enough to be ready for consumption.


4. Quit smoking.

Smoking is linked to various illnesses that can be considered as life-threatening, such as cancer. Other alarming ailments that are connected to smoking are heart diseases and stroke.


Exercise more.

5. Exercise more.

Working out can optimize your health.

And the best part about it is the length of exercising doesn’t even have to be long. 150 minutes of exercise every week can already do wonders for your health.

Remember to engage in physical activity that you know you would enjoy. There is, in fact, a variety of ways of working out without actually “exercising.”

You can try enrolling in a dance class, or perhaps joining a yoga or aerobic session. Running is a more athletic option, while hiking is a more adventurous approach to working out.

Another benefit of physical activities is that it can help you lose weight, which is also a health hazard that can be related to numerous diseases (especially cardiac diseases).

Obesity can increase one’s blood pressure. This could raise your chances of experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest.


6. Have regular check-ups.

Just because you are starting to live a natural lifestyle doesn’t mean that a trip to the doctor is already out of the question.

It is essential to regularly screen your vital signs and to consult the doctor for any possible health concerns.


Key Takeaway

These are the different ways to start living a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating Beyonde Philippines’ health supplements into your diet is an excellent way to get started.

Do remember, though, that these tips only cover the physical health of the body.

For an overall healthy lifestyle, make sure to also take care of your mental and emotional health by having a positive attitude and outlook in life.

Also, invite your family and friends so that all of you can embark on a journey towards a healthy and natural lifestyle.

Unilever Network Philippines’ Body and Skin Care Tips for the Holiday Season

What are some of the most effective body and skin care tips you can follow this holiday season?

  • Keep your skin hydrated
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Use a humidifier
  • Do some exercise
  • Drink juice
  • Get enough sleep
  • Do meditation


The holiday season has just arrived, which means it is a time of giving and spending time with your friends and loved ones. From companies like the Unilever Network in the Philippines, to countries like South Korea and the United States, the holidays are  always a season of joy and celebration. Preparing for the holiday season takes a good amount of time, as you would need to prepare your home and add some holiday flair, along with buying some presents and food to complete the festivities.

Another important part of your holiday is making sure that your skin and body are fresh and well taken care of. Keeping them fresh during the holidays would make certain that you would definitely feel great during the festivities. With that in mind, here are some essential and effective body and skin care tips for the holiday season:


Keep your skin hydrated

When it comes to skin care in the Philippines, one thing that you should always do every season is to have your skin hydrated. Moisture is what helps your skin remain healthy and helps give it some more glow. The colder holiday season poses a challenge for your skin, as the temperature would consistently dry you up, which can damage your skin.

It is best to keep it hydrated with the help of some moisturizer that has some SPF to protect your skin from sun rays. Always make sure to have a regular intake of fluids too, as this would help keep the rest of your body hydrated. In turn, you would be able to see the effects it has on your skin.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Maintain a Healthy Diet

While the holidays may be a time for some of the most delicious food around, it is best to make sure that you will be able to eat healthy during the season. Look for foods that have Vitamins A, C, and E, as these would do wonders for your skin health. You would also need to lessen your intake of sugar and starch and go for food like turkey, fish, spinach, raspberries, and various types of nuts to keep your body and skin healthy.

There are many holiday recipes that you can try out too. Just ensure that your food remains healthy and delicious. Keep in mind that a fun holiday season can also be a healthy one.


Use a Humidifier

The cold holiday season means having to use heaters to keep yourself warm. While this will be helpful in keeping the temperatures stable, it can also dry up your skin, which is something that you would not want during the holiday season. One quick fix that you can do is to get a humidifier for your home, which would help moisturize the air around you; this would, then, help hydrate your skin.

Do Some Exercise

Do Some Exercise

One of the best ways to keep your skin active and healthy is by doing some regular exercise. There are many workout routines that you can do during the holiday season to keep your body warm and active. Hitting the gym or doing some of your own workouts at home would guarantee that you would be able to have a very healthy and fit body during the holiday season. Playing sports would also be fine as well, just make sure that you have the right outfit.


Drink Juice

Another healthy solution is to drink some delicious juices. Get a wonderful combination of fruits into a juicer, keep them cool, and you have a wonderful and healthy glass of juice. Juices give vitamin C and can help keep your skin healthy, and help your body run well. They also help balance the body’s pH level, clean up your kidneys, and strengthen your blood.

Get Enough Sleep

Get Enough Sleep

The holidays might give you the excuse to stay up all night. However, it is best to make sure that you get enough sleep during the season. The usual 8-10 hours of sleeping time helps keep your body healthy by giving it the right amount of energy and add more life to your skin. Lack of sleep causes your skin to become more tired and can hamper all of your activities during the day. Sleep does a lot of wonder for your body and it is best to catch up during the holiday season.


Do Meditation

Other than exercise, one of the best ways to keep your body healthy and energized is through the power of meditation. Having a consistent meditation routine would allow your body to relax and help balance out your energy, which would do wonders for your overall body health. Having a stable meditation routine would make sure that your body has more balance and ready for the holiday season.


Key Takeaway

The holidays are a time for celebration and quality time, but it is best to make sure that you remain healthy all throughout. Through these effective body and skin care tips, you are guaranteed that you would have one healthy holiday.