Aviance Philippines: What Type of Collagen is the Best?

What are the different types of collagen and which is best for your health needs?

  1. Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth
  2. Type II Collagen- cartilage
  3. Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles, and blood vessels



With skin care products like Aviance in the Philippines, collagen supplements are slowly becoming a big hit, whether in the form of powder, pills, or drinks. Collagen is without a doubt the most abundant protein and it is responsible for regenerating new tissues. It is a building block in the body and contains different kinds of protein which serves separate purposes of the body. People swear by its beauty and health benefits like the power to smooth skin, strengthen bones, improve digestion and shinier hair, but did you know that there are 28 different types of collagen that have been identified and the majority falls in three categories: Type I, II and III. Improving your overall fitness requires a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise, and of course, your overall lifestyle.

There is certainly the most ideal supplement that will fit your needs. Note that not all collagen supplements have the same micronutrients or fundamental ingredients, so always make sure to read the label before your daily intake. Here’s all you need to know about the different types of collagen as well as its benefits and how to choose the best collagen supplements that suit your health requirements:



Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth

Type I Collagen- eyes, skin, tendons, teeth

If you’re looking for skin-related benefits, this type of collagen is a priority. Type I Collagen is primarily found on your eyes, skin, tendons, bones, and teeth. It comprises ninety percent of the overall skin, hair, organs, bone, and ligaments. Type I is often grouped together with Type III for improving elasticity and hydration of the skin. Type I is considered to be the best type of collagen because it helps improve circulations in the hair and skin since it is the largest organ of the body.

A key component for Type I collagen is that it should have enough biotin. Biotin is a nutrient that supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. Research says Marine collagen is known for its anti-aging benefits that include minimizing wrinkles and improving bone and hair quality. It can be taken in many forms like Aviance Cream, and food supplements such as pills or in powder form. Type I collagen can help avoid signs of skin-aging and thinning of hair.



Type II Collagen- cartilage

Type II collagen takes up the majority of the protein inside your cartilage or the connective tissue that supports the back, jaw, and joints. It also helps in improving muscle repair along with faster recovery from injuries, and even reducing joint pain. The perfect supplement for Type II collagen should have glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid which is perfect for maintaining healthy functions over joints.

Type II collagen is mainly sourced from chickens and is abundant in chicken broth which is known for boosting the immune system and joint-supporting properties. Best to take Type II collagen supplements before bedtime on an empty stomach. For better results, don’t take it with Type I and III.



Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles and blood vessels

Type III Collagen- intestines, muscles and blood vessels

Similar to Type I Collagen, Type III is the second most abundant type in your body. It can be found in your intestines, muscles, and blood vessels. Type III collagen helps form arterial walls which are an important part of cardiovascular health. It provides structure and is often associated with Type I collagen despite in smaller amounts, so you may use products that contain both collagens, whether in form of Aviance Cream or a multitude of various food supplement products. Type III collagen supplements are often made of Bovine (cow) sources. Make sure to choose supplements rich Bovine collagen which is rich in Type I and III.



Key Takeaway

Your health is undeniably your greatest asset. We should invest significant portions of our efforts for constantly improving and even enhancing the state of our bodies and minds. When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, never forget to start and stick with the basics: sleep/recovery, nutrition, and physical movement. Once you have built a strong foundational base for these fundamentals, you’ll find that dietary supplements can indeed play a major role in optimizing your core health needs.

Now that you know the three main categories of collagen and how to choose the right supplements for each type, be more mindful when looking for the most comprehensive benefit possible. It’s better if you choose supplements that contain a variety of the types mentioned above.

Many skincare products like Aviance in the Philippines have the right amount collagen that you may need for adequate dietary supplementation and assistance. Before taking your collagen supplements, make sure to read the label in order to properly assess micronutrient levels in accordance with making your best judgment, combine this with eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, and you’ll be feeling better healthier, and more fit than ever. Health is well and more importantly, we should feel good both inside and out.

How to Achieve Ultimate Beauty Inside and Out

How can you achieve ultimate beauty inside and out?

  1. Stay healthy
  2. Maintain a positive attitude
  3. Be active
  4. Always remember self-care
  5. Take care of your skin



Whether you live in a foreign country or in the Philippines, Unilever Network is at the forefront of delivering beauty and wellness products for everyone like the Beyonde Maqui Plus. In addition to the products and services they sell, the brand also makes sure that their consumers make the most out of life especially in terms of their health. This includes achieving that beauty inside and out. It is easy to radiate confidence when you are assured of yourself which is why you should keep in mind that you are beautiful in your own right.

A person’s physical appearance can be enhanced by what they think and feel. Seeing the world with excitement and confidence is what makes all the difference. This quality transcends the superficiality of the definition of beauty. With that, start being your most beautiful with Unilever Network Philippines now. Here’s how:



Stay Healthy

Stay Healthy

Being healthy has its perks. Maintaining a healthy physicality and mindset is greatly attributed to radiating a particular glow. Aside from the obvious health benefits, adopting healthy habits also helps in staying beautiful, inside and out. To stay healthy means you are well enough to take care of your body which affects the way you see and deal with your environment.

Adapt this attitude by staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, staying away from bad habits, and maintaining a balanced diet. All of these acts are essential to achieving an enhanced viewpoint in life, ultimately causing beauty in everything that you do.



Maintain a Positive Attitude

Have you noticed that when you are passionate about something, the way you carry yourself also follows? It is the same thing with maintaining a positive attitude. If you exude positivity with every turn that your life carries you to, this can reflect in your outer beauty as well.

People will instantly notice if you have a positive outlook on life because doing so will also affect the way you treat those around you. In order to do this, you should learn how to treat yourself properly. Do not dwell on negative emotions because this will take a toll on your mental health and carry over to the way you present yourself to the world. Offer a smile for those around you, you will never know how much you can infect someone with these positive vibes of yours.



Be Active

Be Active

Being active is one of the most powerful ways to radiate beauty inside and out. Regular exercise helps you to face the day with a great attitude. This is one of the best and powerful ways to boost your spirits and help you prepare for whatever you aim to do for the day.

Exercise has been known to alleviate symptoms of depression and stress which will coincide with the goal of staying positive to maintain beauty inside and out. There’s only one word to explain its ability to make you happy: endorphins. These hormones are the reasons why you feel extra bright after a great workout because this is your body’s natural way to maintain a positive feeling. So start moving and receive those endorphins which are the best ways to be happy.



Always Remember Self-Care

This is something that a lot of people seem to forget. Self-care is a surefire way to deal with staying innately beautiful. Talking about self-care, there are other things that should be included for this habit and these are self-acceptance, self-love, and self-forgiveness. Yes, it is not easy to master these values but always remember that awareness is the first step to this.

Negativity can be shown if you constantly harness thoughts of these nature. Do not let this be a prevailing habit. Keep in mind that there will be struggles, mistakes, and difficulties, but how you face them with a great mindset is what truly matters.



Take Care of Your Skin

The secret to a healthy glow is to exert effort in taking care of your skin. Doing so by investing in antioxidants like the Beyonde Maqui Plus will help you achieve and receive these benefits. Beyond that, you should also take time to cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin so you can maintain that beautiful outer appearance. With this, a confidence boost is sure to follow which can ultimately influence your positivity and mindset. Taking care of your skin is so much more than just wanting to be attractive, it can also positively affect your thoughts and attitude which is a win-win situation for all.



Key Takeaway

Being beautiful inside and out is something that everyone can achieve. This is not only a personal victory but it is one that can affect your relationships and perspective on life. With brands such as Unilever expressing their desire to help you maintain this quality, you should be aware that you are not alone on this journey. Be your best self  and make it count!

Top 5 Exercises You Can Pair with Beyonde Dietary Supplements

What are the top 5 exercises you can pair with Beyonde dietary supplements?

  1. Dumbbell Squat
  2. Burpees
  3. Single-Leg Calf Raise
  4. Plank
  5. Deadbug



The best thing you can do when looking for effective and nutritional dietary supplement is to look Beyonde! Unilever Network Philippines introduces its very own dietary health supplement which will deliver ultimate benefits to your body. With variations such as the Beyonde Life Sential, Omeg 3 Plus, and Cal-Mag Plus, you will receive maximum advantages that you cannot find in other supplements. The vitamins and minerals that these supplements can give you are unmatched but of course, it is also up to you to take care of your body and one practice that matches this requirement is to exercise.

Pushing your body to its limits is one of the greatest things you can do in order to achieve sustainable health benefits. Although the proper diet combined with supplements can succeed in giving you a healthy and well-balanced body structure, exercises will do the trick in maintaining your physique. Check out these exercises that you can do in addition to taking care of your health with Unilever Network Philippines’ supplements!



Dumbbell Squat

With only a trusty dumbbell in hand, you can fully receive strength conditioning with this easy exercise. Squats serve as a great all-around exercise that can build your strength and agility. With dumbbells added to the exercise equation, you can have unlimited opportunities to work on your technique. Here is how you do it:

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, proceed by positioning your legs at shoulder width apart.
  2. Keep your head up and your back straight, then lower your body into a squat until the dumbbells are an inch from the floor.
  3. Keep your knees over your toes all while maintaining a chest out stance.
  4. Remember that you shouldn’t arch your back or lean forward whenever you drop down.
  5. Observe proper breathing, straighten your legs, and repeat the steps.





Burpees are great if you are looking for a no-hassle exercise routine. You don’t require additional equipment when doing burpees, you only need your body weight and your determination to get fit! This exercise can strengthen your body and maintain your physique all in one. Check out the steps to do them here:

  1. Stand up straight then proceed to a squat position with your hands laid down on the floor.
  2. Kick your feet back into a push position and then lower your body until your chest touches the floor.
  3. Jump as you return your feet to the squat position as fast as you can.
  4. Again, jump up into the air as high as possible.



Single-Leg Calf Raise

With your calves as the target muscles, this exercise will be a great companion to your whole healthy routine. This is easy enough that you can do a few more reps after your first attempt. Do it like this:

  1. Holding a dumbbell in your right hand by your side, place the ball of your right foot on an elevated surface and make sure that your heel is hanging off.
  2. Cross your left ankle behind your right then hold onto a stationary object with your left hand for balance, make sure that you lower your right heel toward the floor without touching it.
  3. Rise up on your toes of your right foot as high as you possibly can, give your right calf a squeeze at the top.
  4. Break and take a pause. Proceed to lower yourself back to the starting position.
  5. Do equal reps on both sides or until you finish a set.





A plank is way effective in making sure that your core is given proper attention when exercising. This is a better alternative to crunches because crunches can give much pressure to your spine. The plank is perfect for working out your core and it will give you that six-pack that you are aiming for.

  1. Start in a push-up position.
  2. Rest your forearms rather than your hands.
  3. Ensure that your back is straight then tense your abs and glutes.
  4. Hold the position for a minute or two, all while avoiding your hips to sag.




The Deadbug is effective in working out your whole core, not just your abs. This exercise can build muscle that is not just for appearance sake but for strength and conditioning as well. This is a simple exercise that you can do at home, check out the steps in doing it here:

  1. Start by lying on your back with your hands above you.
  2. Keep your feet up and your knees at 90 degrees.
  3. Straighten your leg and let your heel hover an inch from the floor.
  4. Return to the start position.
  5. Perform repetitions with the other leg.



Key Takeaway

These top 5 exercises will guarantee that you are always in shape! Make sure that you complete it with a well-balanced diet and Beyonde supplements in order to achieve optimized health at its best extent. Always remember to take care of your body and avoid health detractors that can make you vulnerable to diseases.

Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Beyonde Calcium Supplements

What are the benefits of a healthy diet and Beyonde Calcium supplements?

  1. Controls Weight
  2. Mood Enhancer
  3. Lessens the Risk for Diseases
  4. Strong Bone Health



The thing about achieving a healthy diet is that it can be further enhanced by supplements like Beyonde and knowing the benefits of a healthful diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables that greatly improve the nutritional value of a person.

Healthy habits tend to differ from one person to the next but the thing that is similar to all of these practices is that they reap optimal health benefits. More than being adding to physical benefits, healthy habits also pertain to the behavior that ultimately satisfies a positive level of mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

With that said, you can see the advantages of a healthy diet to your physical health as aided by calcium supplements here:



Controls Weight

A healthy diet improves weight control as whole vegetables and fruits tend to have lower calories than most processed foods. If you are searching for the healthy habit that will aid you in your journey to weight loss, then it is as simple as creating a healthy meal plan and staying away from foods that can exceed your caloric requirements.

According to Healthline, studies have shown that low calcium intake can be associated with a high body mass index (BMI) and a chance to have a higher body fat percentage. When you seem to be gaining weight even after following a strict diet, this may be attributed to low calcium intake. That is why it is also recommended that you combine your diet with calcium supplements, so you can receive the additional vitamin that you may lack in the food that you eat.



Strong Bone Health

Mood Enhancer

There is existing evidence that suggests an association of your diet to the way your mood will turn out. This study by Breymeyer, Lampe, McGregor, and Neuhoser affirms that high-glycemic filled diets contribute to the rise of symptoms of depression, neurosis, and anxiety. You may not believe it but eating healthy keeps you happy.

The consumption of food that contains high amounts of processed chemicals also enables this research since it can contribute to low tolerance in mood enhancing attributes. Those supposed “comfort” foods like soft drinks, cakes, chips, and biscuits do not provide the same mood-enhancing quality as vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grains can deliver to you. Consider re-thinking your diet for these physical, mental, and emotional benefits that you will harvest in adopting a healthy diet.



Lessens Risk of Disease

It is called a healthy diet for a reason; it has the ability to ward off diseases that have a higher risk of ailing your body when you perpetuate an unhealthy diet filled with processed food. Taking care of yourself in the form of following a healthy diet with calcium supplements prevent certain health conditions like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

As healthy diets attract progressive physical, mental, and emotional results, this becomes a required activity that will benefit many people in the long run. Eating healthy also contributes to a steady blood flow and it can keep your cholesterol at bay. Just think about the many diseases you put yourself at risk for.

If you cannot bring yourself to imagine the negative effects of unhealthy living, then this is the list of health problems that you may contract if you do not start taking care of your health now:

  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Certain Types of Cancer
  • Health Disease
  • Stroke
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Metabolic Syndrome

A healthy diet paired with calcium supplements will be the great detractor for these diseases and several studies have also shown that they can improve your health condition to a significant level.

Calcium supplements and food products also contain enough nutrients to lower the risk of colon cancer and other related diseases. This is a great reminder that the benefits of a healthy diet with sufficient intake of calcium supplements will go a long way toward improving your overall health.



Strong Bone Health

Strong Bone Health

A low intake of calcium can increase the risk of osteoporosis and other bone defects. This is also one of the reasons why you should adopt a healthy diet with calcium supplements. With a healthy diet and the aid of calcium to increase the benefits of that healthy habit, you can harness strong bone health.

Aside from its significant benefits that aid in improving the quality of many bodily functions, the main benefit of calcium intake lies in its ability to improve the strength of bones. Getting enough calcium can do more to improve a person’s bone development and a diet with calcium is the solution to this.

As calcium is a mineral that helps bones maintain its strength, this is beneficial to you because this will allow you to participate in physical activities that you may not do otherwise.



Key Takeaway

With Unilever Network Philippines as your partner, you can achieve maximum improvements in health with an effective diet and a great calcium supplement. As these benefits continue to improve many people’s health value, the attitudes toward healthy habits have been improving.

Talk to us today and ask about the opportunities that you can get with Beyonde so you can share these same advantageous impacts for many people.

The Best Prenatal Vitamins for Expecting Mothers

What are the prenatal vitamins for expecting mothers?

  1. Folic Acid
  2. Iodine
  3. Iron
  4. Calcium
  5. Vitamin D



The moment a woman finds out she’s pregnant, her priorities shift. It’s not just her anymore; she’s not alone. An actual human being is growing inside her and it’s something she needs to take care of. Because of this, she now prioritizes the supplements that the child needs rather than her Aviance cosmetic products.

An unborn child needs a lot of vitamins and it can only get this from their mother. Everything she eats, the child does as well, so she needs to be very careful about what she puts in her body.

To help all expectant mothers out there, we have listed the best prenatal vitamins that you should take to ensure the wellbeing of your child!



Folic Acid

Before we discuss how folic acid helps pregnant women, you must first know what it is. Folic acid is often used interchangeably along with the vitamin folate. While both are forms of vitamin B9, there’s one significant difference between the two.

Folate can be found naturally in dark green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach as well as in egg yolks, almonds, beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, and more. Folic acid, on the other hand, is the synthetic form of folate.

An average human needs about 400mcg of folic acid to stay healthy, but an expecting mother will need about 400mcg – 600mcg for both her and the baby. Folic acid is known to reduce problems in early fetal brain development. It is the best vitamin to ward off birth defects in the spine and brain, and it should be taken early in the pregnancy.





Iodine deficiency can lead to stunting, congenital hypothyroidism, neurocognitive defects, and, at worst, miscarriage and stillbirth.

According to research, pregnant women need a daily 150mcg dose of iodine to satisfy both her and her child’s needs. They can easily meet this requirement by taking multivitamins that contain iodine which guarantee to keep their child’s fetal thyroidal development on track.




Approximately 15% of the world’s population is affected by iron deficiency, making it the most common mineral deficiency in the world. Iron is one of the major nutrients women and children need.

As for those who are with child, they need at least 17mg of iron to avoid birth defects such as low birth weight and premature birth. Doctors also recommend women who experience pre-birth anemia to increase their intake of iron.





Calcium is one of the most fundamental vitamins that everyone has to take. During pregnancy, however, women have to significantly increase their calcium intake. Calcium consumption is especially important when fetal uptake is at the highest which is during the third trimester.

It is recommended for expecting mothers to get 1000mg of calcium daily. 330g goes to the formation of the baby’s fetal skeleton while the remaining is to keep the mother’s bones strong and healthy.

Now, 1000mg is a large amount and it’s hard to meet this daily requirement simply through multivitamins. You can only get around 200mg – 300mg of calcium from your supplements. The remaining 700mg should be obtained by eating calcium-rich food like yogurt and kale.



Vitamin D

Another vitamin that helps with the development and maintenance of both the mother’s and child’s bones is Vitamin D. Much like calcium, it is also important during the third trimester. Additionally, it helps prevent preterm births and painful labor.

Pregnant women will need around 400IU of Vitamin D. However, if your doctor diagnoses you with vitamin D deficiency, then you will need to take an additional 1,000IU – 2,000IU.

It is important to note, though, that excessive prenatal vitamin D intake increases the chances of your child having food allergies.



Key Takeaway

We know how hard it can be for women to give up their Aviance cosmetics for bottles of supplements, but it’s something that must be done to ensure that both mother and child stay healthy.

The vitamins listed above are the fundamental nutrients every expecting mother needs, but there are other minor minerals to look for, too. That said, you don’t have to take them all through multivitamins. Most of these can be found and incorporated into your daily meals and that’s really the best way to consume them.

Additionally, an excess of anything is detrimental and vitamin consumption isn’t an exception. In order to know the right amount, you need to consult your doctor and have them perform necessary tests to gauge your health.

After taking the tests and exams, you will be recommended a daily dose of several vitamins and it is crucial that you follow the doctor’s orders. All that is to ensure your baby grows up healthy and you, the mother, stays safe and healthy before, during, and after pregnancy!

Beyonde Philippines: 6 Tips on How to Successfully Maintain a Healthy and Natural Lifestyle

What are some of the tips for a healthy and natural lifestyle?


  1. Take note of your purchases.
  2. Be mindful of what you are eating.
  3. Personally grow several fruits and vegetables.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Work out more.
  6. Consult a doctor regularly.


In this current society, it is extremely difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

With all of the hustle and bustle that is happening every day, fast food is a convenient meal option. One way to counteract this unhealthy diet is by exercising and working out regularly. Sadly, this too is fairly challenging, especially with the numerous daily activities that need to be accomplished.

One way to ensure that you are getting the required daily nutrition is with the help of Beyonde Philippines’ health supplements. Beyonde Philippines offers a variety of health supplements that target several nutritional concerns.

Health supplements are helpful, but a person’s lifestyle is still the main factor in the overall health of a person.
It can be challenging to keep up with your busy schedule and still have time to prepare a nourishing meal. Luckily, this article can give you some tips and tricks on how to maintain a healthy and natural lifestyle.


1. Watch what you buy.

The trip to the supermarket is already a weekly task, so you can start your adventure towards a healthy lifestyle there.

There’s no need to worry about the time constraint since it’s already a part of your schedule, after all.

Go ahead and check the label of the pre-packaged goods, making sure to veer away from unhealthy ingredients.

For reference, here are some of the ingredients that you need to be wary of:

  • Sugar. Added sugars carry calories but not enough nutrients. They can be concealed in ingredients like glucose, corn syrup, maple syrup, sucrose, and fructose.
  • Fats. Avoid fats to reduce the chances of acquiring pick up foods that have a low level of saturated and trans fat.
    The healthy fats that should be consumed are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These can be found in nuts, fishes, and vegetable oils.


Watch what you are eating.

2. Watch what you are eating.

The pre-packaged, processed foods being sold in the market contain hidden chemicals and artificial additives. Unfortunately, the more processed the food is, the less nutrition it has.

The best option to fully commit to a healthy lifestyle is to refrain from buying pre-packaged foods and to opt for more green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and parsley.

Lean meats can provide the needed protein requirement of the body, but with fewer fat level and lower calorie level.

Examples of lean meat are poultry like chicken (without the skin) and turkey. Such variants can provide the needed nourishment, such as selenium, choline, vitamin B3, and Vitamin B6.

For red meat, pork chop (excluding the fat) is a great source of lean meat.


3. Grow your own food.

The best way to make sure that your food is all natural and does not contain any artificial chemicals is by growing them yourself.

You don’t need to have a full garden; a small windowsill will do. There are lots of vegetables that can be easily grown in your home.

If you only have a small window to spare for cultivating plants, then lettuce is an excellent choice because it does not need a large area for growing. This is even more convenient since lettuce is considered a green leafy vegetable!

A few seeds in a small pot filled with moist potting soil will eventually germinate and grow enough to be ready for consumption.


4. Quit smoking.

Smoking is linked to various illnesses that can be considered as life-threatening, such as cancer. Other alarming ailments that are connected to smoking are heart diseases and stroke.


Exercise more.

5. Exercise more.

Working out can optimize your health.

And the best part about it is the length of exercising doesn’t even have to be long. 150 minutes of exercise every week can already do wonders for your health.

Remember to engage in physical activity that you know you would enjoy. There is, in fact, a variety of ways of working out without actually “exercising.”

You can try enrolling in a dance class, or perhaps joining a yoga or aerobic session. Running is a more athletic option, while hiking is a more adventurous approach to working out.

Another benefit of physical activities is that it can help you lose weight, which is also a health hazard that can be related to numerous diseases (especially cardiac diseases).

Obesity can increase one’s blood pressure. This could raise your chances of experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest.


6. Have regular check-ups.

Just because you are starting to live a natural lifestyle doesn’t mean that a trip to the doctor is already out of the question.

It is essential to regularly screen your vital signs and to consult the doctor for any possible health concerns.


Key Takeaway

These are the different ways to start living a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating Beyonde Philippines’ health supplements into your diet is an excellent way to get started.

Do remember, though, that these tips only cover the physical health of the body.

For an overall healthy lifestyle, make sure to also take care of your mental and emotional health by having a positive attitude and outlook in life.

Also, invite your family and friends so that all of you can embark on a journey towards a healthy and natural lifestyle.

Beyonde Philippines: 7 Best Supplements to Give Your Significant Other

What are the best supplements to give your significant other?

  1. Antioxidants
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  3. L-Carnitine
  4. Magnesium
  5. Green Tea
  6. Calcium
  7. Coenzyme Q10


Who doesn’t want to wish the best for their loved ones? And probably one of the best gifts that you can give your significant other is better health.

Before, the very idea of giving health and wellness seems impossible.

But today, the emergence of health supplements has made this plausible.

The goal of supplements, like what its name suggests, is to supplement your diet and to furnish you with additional nourishment.

There are plenty of available supplements on the market, just like the ones from Beyonde Philippines.

With the plethora of supplements that can be bought both online and at the stores, it can be overwhelming (and confusing) to choose which one would be the most suitable present.

To help you narrow down your list of prospective supplements to give your significant other, here are some of the supplements that you might want to check out.


1. Antioxidants

Antioxidants can help prevent the development of certain illnesses,  such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cardiovascular diseases.

Antioxidants are able to do this by combatting the cell-damaging process called “oxidative stress.” Additionally, antioxidants are also observed to have the capacity to stabilize unstable hormones, which helps in preventing any further cell damage.

There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that have antioxidant properties, but in order to acquire an ample amount of antioxidants, you will need to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.

But you don’t have to worry about not having the sufficient amount of antioxidants anymore! After all, antioxidant supplements will furnish you the required amount with just a single tablet.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to aid in the improvement of cardiac health by decreasing your risks of contracting heart attack or stroke—both of which can lead to a sudden cardiac death.

Another benefit of Omega-3 is its anti-inflammatory property. This hampers the development of heart diseases; and more importantly, it can also combat various degenerative diseases.

This is ideal for people who seek to maintain a healthy cardiac health.


3. L-Carnitine

This is a great gift option for those who are concerned about weight loss.

L-carnitine transports the fatty acids to the cells of the heart’s muscles. When placed within the cells, the fatty acids are then burned and utilized for energy generation.  This is essential because the heart acquires 60% of the energy used for blood pumping from fats.

Lastly, this supplement can boost your endurance during exercise.




4. Magnesium

Magnesium can aid in the proper operation of several cellular functions in the body, such as the ones found on the bones, muscles, and even the brain.

Another significant benefit of magnesium-rich supplements is its ability to aid the body in acquiring good sleep. And as you might know, sleep is vital because it allows your body to recover for the incoming day.

With the current busy and fast-paced world, good sleep can now be considered as a luxury, and this supplement ensures that your significant other will get the sleep that he or she desperately needs.


5. Green Tea

Green tea contains active ingredients of an antioxidant compound called catechins. This antioxidant compound has a variation that is about a hundred times more potent than the antioxidant properties found in vitamin E and vitamin C.

That being said, green tea has several health benefits.

For one, it has a mild thermogenic effect that can aid in the shedding of fats.

Green tea can also help combat the development of several cardiovascular diseases and inhibit cancer.

Lastly, green tea also helps in preventing the joints from degenerating.

Aside from the traditional way of ingesting green tea, which is through tea bags, you may want to consider capsules and tablets that contain green tea extracts.




6. Calcium

For those people who are concerned with the calcium level of their body, Beyonde Philippines offers a dietary supplement that provides your body with calcium nourishment, along with a variety of other minerals. More than that, this supplement also contains vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and horsetail extract.


7. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 dietary health supplement is another exemplary product from Beyonde Philippines. It contains over 50 different fundamental vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. CoQ10 can promote optimum wellness and boost your health.

The health benefits are even further enhanced by the incorporated natural extracts of melon, chlorella, and shiitake.


Key Takeaway

One of the best gifts that you can offer your significant other is excellent health. A few years ago, this might sound improbable, but today, the rise of dietary health supplements renders all these possible. Good thing that there are tons of supplements being sold in the market, such as the one from Beyonde Philippines!

With the vast array of health supplements available in the market, you won’t have any problem finding the one that best suits your significant other.