Pushing the Limits: 4 Supplements Recommended for Every Athlete

What are the best supplements for athletes and how can they affect athletic performance and overall health?

  1. Creatine Monohydrate
  2. Caffeine
  3. Protein
  4. Beta-Alanine



Athletes attempt to push the limits of the human body every single time they’re in training and especially when they’re in a competition. It’s a physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting job that can be made easier through the consumption of supplements from trusted manufacturers like Unilever Network Philippines.

Because athletes are constantly looking for alternative nutrition that will help them perform at their best, the sports-supplement industry has become a multi-million-dollar business. Eventually, his lead to a market that is oversaturated with a plethora of supplements that are supposedly helpful for the typical athlete.

You’d think that this has made it easier for them to choose the right supplement but it actually had the opposite effect. Athletes, especially those who don’t have a personal trainer or the weekend warriors whose idea of athletics is a few hours of pick-up games, are more confused than ever. They are finding it difficult to differentiate the supplements that work from those that don’t.

If you’re in the same position as these athletes, then you’re in luck because we’re about to tell you exactly which supplements are effective and dependable. Simply continue to read below to find out what these are and how they help you push the limits!



Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate or creatine is one of the most popular and effective power supplements for athletes. While there are many health products that claim to boost strength and performance, creatine is one of the few that actually delivers.

Research has shown that creatine offers improvements in muscular endurance, power output, and sprint and endurance performance. It also helps in increasing muscle mass and strength, which is the goal of many athletes.

Creatine is the best supplement to take for short-burst activities like lifting weights but is not as effective for long-term endurance activities like running. Still, it is a useful tool for athletes of all types.





It isn’t a shocker to find that caffeine is the most used stimulant in the world. Anyone in need of an extra kick early in the morning or late in the afternoon usually results to a cup or two of coffee. And that’s basically what it is to normal and non-athletic individuals—a simple stimulant that helps increase alertness.

As for athletes, caffeine is an ergogenic aid that helps increase fat oxidation, stimulate the release of endorphins, and reduce the perception of effort and fatigue. It also has a positive effect on weight loss, metabolism, and performance. Caffeine, however, has little to offer when it comes to strength performance and you’re better off taking creatine if you want improvements in that department.

The downside of caffeine intake is that, over time, your body will build up a tolerance, so the benefits will eventually decrease. To counter this, spending a few days without caffeine can help. It’s also important to stick to the effective dosage which is 3-6mg/kg prior to exercise.




Protein isn’t like the previously mentioned supplements that offer improvements in performance, endurance, and strength, but that doesn’t make it any less important. In truth, protein could be the most valuable of all as it is essential for recovery.

Your body uses protein to repair damaged cells and also to build new ones. It is essentially the building block of the cells which makes it a key component in the recovery process.

Whey protein is the most popular and fastest digesting protein powder by far and is the one athletes use the most. In as little as 15 minutes, it allows muscle-repairing amino acids to flow into the bloodstream.

The best time to take protein—regardless of type and form—is immediately after an intense workout.





Beta-alanine offers the best of both worlds as it is used by athletes to increase performance and improve recovery. It is a helpful and beneficial amino acid that can deliver benefits both during and after a tough workout.

To make it more clear, beta-alanine slows down the lactic acid buildup in the muscles during exercise which means it can delay fatigue if only by a little. Afterward, it helps reduce muscle soreness by boosting carnosine levels in the body.

There is one thing athletes have to note when they first take beta-alanine: it can cause your skin to tingle, but this only happens when you first start taking it and your body will eventually adjust.



Key Takeaway

Just to set the record straight, athletes don’t necessarily need to take supplements in order to reach their goals, but they do provide several benefits that make the journey easier and safer.

There are many reasons athletes should consider taking supplements from manufacturers like Unilever Network Philippines. One of which is the fact that athletes need more nutrients than the average person due to the physical stress and strain caused by training and competing.

Additionally, the stress and strain cause a lot of damage to the body which means that they will need to recover properly and speedily if they want to improve. The supplements listed above—creatine monohydrate, caffeine, protein, and beta-alanine—all help in fulfilling these things and more.

That said, we advise athletes to be wise about the supplements they put in their body. The supplements they take must be in line with the goals they want to achieve whether it’s to build muscle or increase endurance. If the wrong supplements are taken, it can prevent improvement and deter athletic performance, so keep that in mind!

Mental Wellness: 5 Habits That Will Improve Your Mood

What are a few simple habits that can significantly enhance your general mood?

  1. Implementing positive rituals
  2. Focusing on skin care
  3. Regular exercise
  4. Getting the right amount of sleep
  5. Improving diet and nutrition



Mental wellness is an aspect of our overall health that is often taken for granted. Your mood is one of the most vital components that is both the product and causal factor for your general well-being. When it comes to the connective tissue between your physical being and mental facet, there are many supplements and products manufactured by the Unilever Network Philippines that can significantly be of great assistance.

But upon close examination, it is both evident and clear that simple configurations with your day to day life can unmistakably make a great impact on your general mental health. Small and simple things like eating right and improving your beauty and hygiene routines with the help of Beyonde products can greatly improve your overall mood without you even being aware of it.

Let’s explore some of the most fundamental things that make distinct marks on you feel:



Creating and Following Positive Rituals

Rituals, no matter how minute, can be deeply rooted in things that are very personal. This simply means that concentrating on establishing a daily routine with something you love can help you be more at peace with yourself.

Whether it’s reading a good book or playing with crossword puzzles, the meditative power that simple rituals have is exponential to your state of mind. Establish daily rituals that you do just for the simple fact that you love doing them and for no other contrived reason. This gives you more capacity for regularizing an utmost tranquil state.



Skin Care

Improving Your Skin Care

Sometimes, we tend to neglect our personal appearance. This is most apparent when we are feeling down, gloomy, and depressed. But if you can somehow manage to pick yourself up and spark the initiative to put in some effort into your personal hygiene and appearance, then you will slowly start to feel your inner depressive tendencies and anxieties drift away.

Taking care of your skin on a regular basis can give you feel a striking difference when it comes to your overall confidence and outlook towards life. No matter how we feel about ourselves, there is always room for improvement, because happiness lies in reconciling contentment and finding meaning in the drive for self-development.



Incorporating Physical Activity in Your Day

It goes without saying that exercise is definitely a crucial and imperative factor for improving your physical health and well-being. But it’s also important to consider and put into great consideration how simple movement and physical activity can give you more energy, thus, putting you in an absolutely delightful mood.

One of the major roadblocks in seizing motivation and fully embracing exercise is that people often feel frustrated and fixated with getting immediate results. This is very dangerous and ultimately disheartening for your psyche. What you have to realize is that similar to life, the central point of physical exercise is to embrace the process and journey as opposed to the destination. Set long term goals and immerse yourself in all the joys, triumphs, ups and downs of trial and error—keep learning.



Right Amount of Sleep

Getting in the Best Amounts of Sleep and Rest

Physical exercise and intense activity is nothing without getting the right amounts of sleep and rest. Many of our depressive downfalls and crippling anxieties are the result of being too overwhelmed by the stresses that we encounter and keep bottled up throughout the day.

The best thing to do in this scenario is to take time to breathe. Meditate and keep your soul at ease. Getting a good night’s sleep can do wonders for putting you in a lovely mood. Although we may feel the burden of our heavy responsibilities weighing in on us throughout the day, it is also important that you find ways to relax and breathe, as to calming your thoughts an senses.



Working on Diet and Nutrition

You should never take for granted the things that you put in your body. Our inner chemical reactions are directly in line with the food that we eat. Take time to do extensive research as to nutrition and dietary plans that suit your body and lifestyle.

Exert effort when it comes to learning about the right macronutrients that you should be taking on a daily basis. Understand the importance of micronutrients and the roles that they play in your body’s general performance. Invest in the best and most appropriate dietary supplements that can be of tremendous help for your diet plan.



Key Takeaway

Besides the many wonderful supplements of the Unilever Network Philippines as well as the highly-reputable personal hygiene and beauty techniques that come with Beyonde products, mental health can easily be worked on by focusing on your general well-being. Our character and general feelings towards our outlook on life consist of our habits.

Focus on taking things one day at a time, and before you know it, you will be on the direct path to inner peace and better moods.

Choosing Aviance and Beyonde: 5 Supplements Everyone Should Be Taking

What are the supplements everyone should be taking?

  1. Multivitamins and minerals
  2. Omega-3
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Magnesium
  5. Probiotics


Well-being should always be everyone’s priority! We should all be taking care of our own selves whether that means indulging in a sport or buying Aviance products for our skin. It also doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship or already a mother of multiple children; always prioritize your well-being over someone else’s because how else are you going to care for them when you’re not well enough to do so?

One popular and effective way to maintain good health and wellness is to take daily supplements. It’s easy to see people carrying pill cases and stocking bottles of nutrients at their home or their work desks. The reason people choose to take supplements is because they’re easy and convenient.

However, with so many types of supplements available in the market, how do you know which one to take? Don’t fret much for this answer, that’s what we’re going to tell you now. In this article, we’ll list the supplements that everyone should be taking, so just keep on scrolling!

Multivitamins and Minerals

Multivitamins and Minerals

Everyone needs 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, but this is hard to get even if you’re eating healthy. If you do get to eat the recommended amount, you still probably aren’t getting optimum levels of nutrients. Most produce is grown in nutrient-depleted soil and, as a result, end up lacking in vitamin and mineral content.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency wouldn’t be a problem if you eat organic produce, but the reality is that most people don’t always eat organic foods. In order to get adequate nutrients, you can take multivitamins and mineral supplements.

But don’t just get anything from behind-the-counter. Make sure that you’re getting good quality multivitamins that are scientifically balanced. What this means is that it can dissolve and absorb properly in your body; your cells will be able to use these nutrients.



Omega-3 offers many benefits. It promotes joint health, breast and prostate health, brain and nerve health, heart health, and also helps in pregnancy. Fish is the best source of omega-3 but it has been in the center of some controversy in recent years. There is increasing concern about harmful toxins like mercury found in fish.

So if you can’t depend on natural food sources, then the next best thing is to take it as a supplement. Fish oil supplements are widely available and you can get your required dose of omega-3 from them. Experts recommend adults to consume 100mg of combined EPA and DHA – forms of omega-3 – for good health.

 Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Most people are deficient in vitamin D because they work indoors and wear sunscreen. There are also some who take lengths to avoid the sun because of its harmful effects. This means that they do not have enough sun exposure and don’t get adequate amounts of vitamin D.

We should be concerned about this because vitamin D aids in the development and maintenance of our bones and teeth. It also aids in the absorption and use of phosphorous and calcium.

Since there are many forms of vitamin D, people get confused on what they really need. We’re going to set things straight now and tell you that your supplement should contain vitamin D3. A daily dose of 1000IU – 5000IIU is the usual expert recommendation, so make sure you’re getting that much.



Nearly 80% of adults suffer from magnesium deficiency and this isn’t a good sign. Magnesium, the calming mineral, plays a critical role in at least 300 enzymatic reactions including muscular contraction and relaxation, synthesis of fat, protein and nucleic acids, nerve and heart health, and bone building.

It is also needed for the production of serotonin, building of protein, and the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate. These are just a few of the things magnesium does to maintain our health; it’d take a whole article just to list all of them.

There are many activities that allow for the depletion of magnesium in our body. Examples of these are drinking coffee, heavy alcohol consumption, and experiencing too much stress. If you do or experience any of these, it is recommended that you take magnesium supplements.


Source: food.thecookbk.com


Probiotics are actually live bacteria that play an important role in our wellness by improving digestion, boosting the immune system, and keeping bad bacteria in check. They also control yeast overgrowth and inhibit lactose intolerance. In short, probiotics are good bacteria and we need about 10 to 30 billion live units each day.

These bacteria naturally occur in the gut but they can be killed by antibiotics, poor diet, and pollution. As they decrease in number the more our body system goes out of balance and the more prone we are to symptoms and illness.

Probiotics can only come from two sources. The first one is fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha tea. The second is from probiotics supplements, so if you don’t fancy fermented foods then you can opt for these instead.


Key Takeaway

Experts often caution people against buying supplements but only when they settle for the cheapest options or for whatever’s popular or on sale. They also advise against taking supplements without proper doctor recommendation because it’s easy to overdose on these pills. But if you go about it the right way, you’re guaranteed to maintain your body’s health and wellness.

That said, it is also important to know that health and wellness don’t just come from tablets and supplements. It should be accompanied by proper diet, regular exercise, and a little self-pampering. So go out and engage in physical activities, eat your fruits and veggies, and splurge on a few Aviance products for your skin.

The Best Prenatal Vitamins for Expecting Mothers

What are the prenatal vitamins for expecting mothers?

  1. Folic Acid
  2. Iodine
  3. Iron
  4. Calcium
  5. Vitamin D



The moment a woman finds out she’s pregnant, her priorities shift. It’s not just her anymore; she’s not alone. An actual human being is growing inside her and it’s something she needs to take care of. Because of this, she now prioritizes the supplements that the child needs rather than her Aviance cosmetic products.

An unborn child needs a lot of vitamins and it can only get this from their mother. Everything she eats, the child does as well, so she needs to be very careful about what she puts in her body.

To help all expectant mothers out there, we have listed the best prenatal vitamins that you should take to ensure the wellbeing of your child!



Folic Acid

Before we discuss how folic acid helps pregnant women, you must first know what it is. Folic acid is often used interchangeably along with the vitamin folate. While both are forms of vitamin B9, there’s one significant difference between the two.

Folate can be found naturally in dark green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach as well as in egg yolks, almonds, beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, and more. Folic acid, on the other hand, is the synthetic form of folate.

An average human needs about 400mcg of folic acid to stay healthy, but an expecting mother will need about 400mcg – 600mcg for both her and the baby. Folic acid is known to reduce problems in early fetal brain development. It is the best vitamin to ward off birth defects in the spine and brain, and it should be taken early in the pregnancy.





Iodine deficiency can lead to stunting, congenital hypothyroidism, neurocognitive defects, and, at worst, miscarriage and stillbirth.

According to research, pregnant women need a daily 150mcg dose of iodine to satisfy both her and her child’s needs. They can easily meet this requirement by taking multivitamins that contain iodine which guarantee to keep their child’s fetal thyroidal development on track.




Approximately 15% of the world’s population is affected by iron deficiency, making it the most common mineral deficiency in the world. Iron is one of the major nutrients women and children need.

As for those who are with child, they need at least 17mg of iron to avoid birth defects such as low birth weight and premature birth. Doctors also recommend women who experience pre-birth anemia to increase their intake of iron.





Calcium is one of the most fundamental vitamins that everyone has to take. During pregnancy, however, women have to significantly increase their calcium intake. Calcium consumption is especially important when fetal uptake is at the highest which is during the third trimester.

It is recommended for expecting mothers to get 1000mg of calcium daily. 330g goes to the formation of the baby’s fetal skeleton while the remaining is to keep the mother’s bones strong and healthy.

Now, 1000mg is a large amount and it’s hard to meet this daily requirement simply through multivitamins. You can only get around 200mg – 300mg of calcium from your supplements. The remaining 700mg should be obtained by eating calcium-rich food like yogurt and kale.



Vitamin D

Another vitamin that helps with the development and maintenance of both the mother’s and child’s bones is Vitamin D. Much like calcium, it is also important during the third trimester. Additionally, it helps prevent preterm births and painful labor.

Pregnant women will need around 400IU of Vitamin D. However, if your doctor diagnoses you with vitamin D deficiency, then you will need to take an additional 1,000IU – 2,000IU.

It is important to note, though, that excessive prenatal vitamin D intake increases the chances of your child having food allergies.



Key Takeaway

We know how hard it can be for women to give up their Aviance cosmetics for bottles of supplements, but it’s something that must be done to ensure that both mother and child stay healthy.

The vitamins listed above are the fundamental nutrients every expecting mother needs, but there are other minor minerals to look for, too. That said, you don’t have to take them all through multivitamins. Most of these can be found and incorporated into your daily meals and that’s really the best way to consume them.

Additionally, an excess of anything is detrimental and vitamin consumption isn’t an exception. In order to know the right amount, you need to consult your doctor and have them perform necessary tests to gauge your health.

After taking the tests and exams, you will be recommended a daily dose of several vitamins and it is crucial that you follow the doctor’s orders. All that is to ensure your baby grows up healthy and you, the mother, stays safe and healthy before, during, and after pregnancy!

How Beyonde Can Help Relieve Your Dry and Sensitive Skin

How can Beyonde help relieve your dry and sensitive skin?

  • It regulates oil production
  • It prevents acne
  • It delays the skin aging process
  • Healthy infusion of vitamins and antioxidants



The skin helps protect your organs from toxins and diseases and taking care of it should be an essential part of your day.

Having dry skin is one of the most common skin concerns that you should treat immediately. Dry skin results from various factors such as poor hygiene, heredity, and sun exposure.

With the help of Beyonde, your dull, cracked, or itchy skin will turn into a healthy, supple, and glowing complexion.

You can combat this by maintaining a healthy diet with foods that contain nutrients, supplemented by vitamins and minerals found in Beyonde products, and quitting vices such as smoking.

Applying skin treatment products can only do so much. Dealing with dry skin from inward your body will result in more long-term effects. Investing in supplements can support healthy skin and reduction of skin dryness.

To avoid adverse side effects from supplements, seek your doctor’s guidance before using them. Want to know how Beyonde can help in alleviating your dry and sensitive skin, then read on below:



It Regulates Oil Production

It Regulates Oil Production

Beyonde Omega-3 Plus’ main ingredient is fish oil which is a popular supplement in supplying your body with Omega-3 fatty acids which you may lack in your diet. This supplement can contain Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and this can help you in getting rid of acne.

Foods that are rich in fish oil are anchovies, mackerels, salmons, sardines, tunas, and herrings but if you don’t like eating fish, the supplements will be the best alternative for you.

Fish oil supplements can still provide you with the necessary nutrients. Taking these supplements on a daily basis will result in significant acne reduction.

This is possible because the EPA that is found in fish oil restricts the formation of androgen – which is a hormone that produces sebum (skin oil) within the hair follicle. The more androgen your body has, the more sebum it will produce.

Excessive sebum results in more chances of an acne breakout.

By reducing the production of keratin and the size of your sebaceous glands, fish oil can keep pores from getting clogged which will release excessive sebum from your skin.

The supplement will help regulate oil production to boost hydration, and EPA can help block the presence of UV-induced enzymes that damage the collagen production, causing lines and sagging skin.



It Prevents Acne

These products contain vitamins and minerals that are essential to the normal shedding of dead skin cells which build up inside the pore and will result in acne. The buildup of the excess production of skin cells is one of the main causes of acne so it is best that your body sheds this skin naturally.

The vitamin functions by preventing clogged pores, and it also acts as an anti-inflammatory for the skin to help reduce swollen, red and sore acne breakouts.

From mild to moderate cases of acne, the healthy skin benefits of ingesting supplements that contain important nutrients needed by the body are non-discriminatory.

These vitamins will surely bring you desired results. Maximum benefits that come from their primary role in treating acne will be displayed if you pair it with the proper diet and hygiene.

Inflammation is the main cause of acne and a supplement with anti-inflammatory agents will do the trick in clearing them off for good, not to mention that inflammation can also result in other chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.



It Delays the Skin Aging Process

It Delays the Skin Aging Process

Beyonde products can delay the skin’s aging process because they contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents which can protect you from sun damage and help repair your skin.

Blocking the release of UV-induced enzymes that eat away at your collagen which causes wrinkles and fine lines, these supplements are a big help in reducing the production of other common skin problems.

People who consume diets and supplements can harvest many important functions for clearing acne. The products can also boost hydration which can be the answer to uncomfortably dry, flaky, and reddened skin. For this, you have the moisture-depleting environment to blame.

Supplements that have skin-hydrating boosters can smooth away the dryness of your skin. Sensitive skin is a combination of oily and dry skin, and the supplements will aid you to renew your skin in a way that does not leave a trace of these skin problems.



Healthy Infusion of Vitamins and Antioxidants

Face it, no matter how much you formulate a diet plan, you won’t be able to stick with it all the time. Taking supplements can be your aid in doing so. A healthy, hydrated skin will be achieved by different combinations of these essential nutrients.

An example is the Beyonde Life Sential, a dietary health supplement of over 50 types of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. The nutritional content is an accumulation of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, coenzyme Q10, extracts from melon, chlorella, and shitake.

Beyonde products can supply you with the nutrients you lack which in turn, can do wonders for the health of your skin.



Key Takeaway

Ingesting the right supplements can give long-term health benefits. Increasing the supply of vitamins and minerals that you won’t otherwise get from a regular diet is the main function of these supplements.

Just make sure that you have a reliable brand to help you with this like the Unilever Network Philippines, and you’ll be all set.

Unilever Network Philippines: Everything You Need to Know About Double Cleansing


What are things you need to know about double cleansing?

  • It removes sweat, bacteria, and old skin cells.
  • It helps in the removal of pore-clogging and irritating environmental agents.
  • It lessens breakouts and acne.
  • It lightens your complexion.



A lot of people have a misconception that double cleansing is only about washing your face twice. But it is definitely a lot more than just taking off your makeup and getting rid of the dirt on your face.

Double cleansing, especially with products from Unilever Network Philippines, will force you to reformulate your skincare regimen.

This is a simple and easy way to achieve a much cleaner face because it gets rid of excess makeup, deep-seated oil, and dead skin that the typical face wash cannot. Double cleansing is also useful if you are living in a polluted climate, or if you are constantly exposed to the harsh rays of the sun.

The secret to a better skin is not just about the products you are using or in how much time you spend on skincare, but knowing an effective method and sticking to it. Double cleansing is one of those methods.

So how does double cleansing lead to a cleaner and clearer skin, and what are the benefits it can give you? Read on to find out!



It removes sweat, bacteria, and old skin cells.

It removes sweat, bacteria, and old skin cells.

Double cleansing gently draws out debris on your skin such as sweat and dirt. Using an oil cleanser can help you get rid of excess dirt can be the cause of your breakouts.

Cleansing two times will clean your pores and remove any impurities that keep you from having a natural skin. This is especially useful if you are living in a pollution-ridden city, with the levels of smoke and dirt that you encounter resulting in acne breakouts.

It is also scientifically proven that pollution and environmental toxins can accelerate the aging process. So if you’re probably wondering why you feel so haggard and stress all the time, this is probably because of the environment you are in.

So this proves that you also need to take into account your lifestyle when double cleansing to maintain the clear skin you have achieved.



It helps in the removal of pore-clogging and irritating environmental agents.

Adhering to the double cleansing technique helps in reducing pore-clogging and irritating environmental agents. As previously mentioned, you have to think about the environmental factors because they might hamper you from achieving a nourished skin.

Since double cleansing is not just a matter of wash, rinse, and repeat, the cleansing oil you’ll initially be using will dig in deep in your pores to remove any excess dirt that might be hiding there. This method also combats dryness and dullness.

Using only facial cleansers that are water-based can still leave off your makeup and dirt in your skin because rinsing them off doesn’t mean that you have completely eradicated makeup and grime on your face. Try a gentle face wash to use with your oil-based cleanser; these two will allow you to wholly reap the benefits that this skincare regimen can offer.


It lessens breakouts and acne.

It lessens breakouts and acne.

In order to do the proper cleanse, you have to be thorough with your technique. Do not use products that will leave your skin dry. You may choose from the wide variety of Unilever Network Philippines’ skincare products to start your double cleanse routine now.

Be mindful of other products that promise a clearer skin because, most often than not, they will be the cause of your breakouts. Choose the one that delivers results.

Double cleansing is known to lessen breakouts and cystic acne because of its properties that can remove the first layer of sebum, makeup, sunscreen and deeper layers of pore bacteria. This will give way to a clear skin even in skin types that are easily irritated.



It lightens your complexion.

Looking to achieve a radiant, blemish-free complexion? Double cleansing is the answer to that.

In double cleansing, the first cleansing with an oil-based cleanser sloughs off the dirt from your face. This leads to a smoother and more supple skin. After that, the water-based facial wash maintains the cleanliness of the skin; this will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated.

Because of these numerous cleansing properties, your skin will be free from dullness, giving way to a lightened complexion!

This method is also beneficial to sensitive skin types because it will gently remove excess sebum without drying your face.



Key Takeaway

Know your skin type before you go on a double cleansing routine. Although this method is suitable for all skin types, it also pays to know everything you need to know about this skincare method first.

The results will not be worth it if you cannot maintain them, so make sure that you have the right set of products to help you. Confused? Then look no further because the Unilever Network Philippines products are here!


5 Skin Benefits of a Healthy Diet

What are the 5 skin benefits of a healthy diet?

  1. Clear Skin
  2. Sun Protection
  3. A Fresh Complexion
  4. Natural Glow
  5. Moisturized Skin



The key to nourishing your skin is by taking care of it as much as you can.

You should invest in reliable skin care tools like your moisturizer, toner, and Beyonde products to supplement the beauty of your skin.

But aside from these, are you paying attention to maintaining a healthy diet?

Knowing what food to eat to make your skin look better is a step in optimizing your nutrition practices so that you can receive as much health benefits as possible.

The good thing about having a healthy diet is that you have can have a supplement partner like Beyonde to help your body get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals it needs.

At the same time, it is an ideal way for you to achieve a radiant complexion and a natural glow.

These skin benefits you can get with a healthy diet will convince you to shift your attention from unhealthy food to nutritious ones.

Clear Skin

There are many products promising clear skin if you try them, but an all-natural method will help you avoid committing skin blunders.

Eating food that contains vitamin C is vital for the formation of collagen, which is the skin’s support structure. A strong support layer helps smooth out the top layer of your skin and helps reduce blemishes.

The best food to consume for this are the following:

  • whole grain foods,
  • strawberries,
  • citrus fruits,
  • red peppers, and
  • broccoli.

A low-glycemic diet, such as that found in white bread and sugar, may reduce acne.

This is because a low-glycemic diet keeps your insulin steady, while carbohydrates and sugar can elevate it, resulting in a boost in androgen hormones that can cause pimples.

Aim for consuming a slice of bread or a cup of cooked grains each day so you can have the whole benefit of having a clear skin.



Sun Protection

Sunburn can be annoying especially when you want to achieve a fairer and lighter skin.

Apparently, all the time and attention you put into your skincare routine can be ruined by just a short time frolicking in the sun. Eating healthy can help you combat this, allowing you to do more outdoor activities with confidence.

The best food to help protect you against the harsh rays of the sun contain vitamin E. Sunflower seeds and almonds contain antioxidants that can help protect you against agents like UV rays and pollution. Vitamin E can help guard your skin’s outer membranes, allowing them to be strong enough to keep your skin hydrated.

With this health benefit, you can match the sun’s radiance and be active confidently.

A Fresh Complexion

If you are the type to shy away from vegetables, then this is the sign that you should be eating more of them, since vegetables are a foolproof way to achieve a fresh complexion.

Green leafy vegetables, as well as those that are dark orange or red, can give you a dose of vitamin A.

This can regulate your cell production; that is, old cells will be replaced by new ones, leaving your skin’s surface smooth. Additionally, these vegetables contain beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene which is a plus for your skin since they are an excellent way of sloughing off dry skin and furnishing your skin with freshness.



Natural Glow

Everyone wants to achieve a youthful glow. That is why many people are now investing in age-defying products or procedures. But little do they know that a healthy flow can be achieved by using some of the ingredients in your kitchen.

The reason why a natural glow seems unachievable is that there may be a deficiency in zinc and iron—the two key minerals to having a healthy skin. Zinc contributes to the production of cells, as well as the shedding of natural cells which keeps your skin beautiful and devoid of a dull texture.

On the other hand, consuming foods rich in iron helps your red blood cell in ferrying oxygen to the skin—this is also a primary reason for that glow. To achieve this, you can opt to add fortified cereal, lean meat, poultry, and oysters to your diet.

With moderation, this can give you more benefits than what is previously stated.


Moisturized Skin

You may have heard of this a million times already, but water intake contributes to a healthy skin. It’s simple—if you are dehydrated, then your skin will look parched since skin cells mostly contain water.

Ward off dehydration and dryness by having a consistent supply of water nearby. This doesn’t mean that you should have a huge jug of water with you at all times. In fact, you can still remain hydrated by consuming water-enriched food such as fruits and veggies.


Key Takeaway

These skin benefits are a great motivation for maintaining a healthy diet. Having a healthy body is beneficial in preventing common skin diseases and infections.

You should also combine this practice with Beyonde products which can supplement you with the right amount of vitamins and minerals aside from those you will get from your food intake.

Unilever Network Philippines: Best Makeup Removers and Cleansers

What are the best makeup removers and facial cleansers?

  1. Waterproof liquid makeup remover
  2. Makeup removing wipes
  3. Mild eye makeup remover
  4. Cleansing balm
  5. Coconut oil


Makeup lovers often enjoy the process as much as seeing the final look.

However, these are also the same people that advocate removing the very same masterpiece they created after only a few hours or at the end of the day.

Why? Because skin care is infinitely more beneficial for your skin than makeup! Skin care products from Unilever Network Philippines provide the nourishment that the skin needs.

This is why choosing the right makeup remover is extremely important!

If you’re overwhelmed by the different makeup removers available in the market, read on!


Waterproof Liquid Makeup Remover

Some mascara formulas are waterproof, sweat-proof, and even tear-proof for more staying power. Haphazardly wiping it off without the right product would mean succumbing to looking like a raccoon and mascara residue on your lashline for DAYS.

That’s why makeup remover formulated for waterproof makeup are perfect for mascara junkies who love volumized and lengthened lashes. A good waterproof makeup remover can be used to ensure that the lash line and in between the lashes, where bacteria could possibly settle in and cause an eye infection, are free of makeup residue.

Since the solution of the makeup remover is already designed to remove even the most smudge-proof eyeliner, there is no need to have to use a heavy hand or a tug on the skin when wiping off the product. Such harsh pressure can cause trauma to the delicate skin around the eye area.

Also, with the rise of matte liquid lipsticks that are smudge-proof, even after eating and drinking, a waterproof cleanser is sure to prevent any tugging and heavy swiping on the lips. A cotton round soaked in the solution can be pressed on the lips for a while and the products will dissolve easily without any struggle.


Makeup-Removing Wipes

Also known as cleansing towelettes, these wipes are ideal for those who want a quick makeup removal routine. There is also a variant of makeup removing wipes with small exfoliating to remove dead skin cells along with the makeup residue. Since the towelettes are already soaked in the essence that removes makeup, and it can be carried around in a packet than a heavy bottle, this is the most convenient way to remove makeup on the go.



Mild Eye Makeup Remover

To avoid any unnecessary tugging on the skin or exposure to harsh cleansers, there are a few makeup removers that target to wipe off the makeup products applied on the eyes like eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and even left-over false eyelash glue.

Since the skin in the eye area is extremely sensitive and delicate, a mild solution is ideal. The solution should be strong enough to effectively but safely dissolve eye products.



Cleansing Balm

Use a cleansing balm for a luxurious experience at home while rejuvinating your skin. Cleansing balms are in initially in solid form then turns into a smooth oil on the skin. Despite its oily consistency and nature, it does not feel greasy but rather, velvety and silky to the touch. In addition to the special experience this makeup remover can provide, it can also efficiently remove makeup from the skin.     


Coconut Oil

There are many types of oil that’s good for the skin. For an all-natural makeup removal option, the oil from the so-called “Miracle Fruit” or Coconut fruit proves to be an effective makeup remover. Coconut oil can effectively remove even the most waterproof mascara and smudge-proof liquid eyeliner.

The skin also absorbs the nutrients from the oil; wrinkles can become less visible, and even your eyelashes can grow stronger.


Key Takeaway

Whichever type of makeup remover one uses, it is essential to remember that a light hand must be used when wiping off the makeup, especially around the eye area. Removing one’s makeup is an essential step done before applying the other skin care products from Unilever Network Philippines.

Aviance: Skin Care Products You Need This Summer

What are the different skin care essentials for this summer?

  1. Sunblock and Sunscreen
  2. Lip balm
  3. Face mists
  4. Aloe Vera gel


Skin care products, like those offered by Aviance, should be used all year round in order to ensure that the desired results are achieved. However, you might notice that sometimes after a period of effectiveness, the product starts to fall short in your expectations.

In addition to the possible tolerance your skin develops towards the products, internal factors like age and hormones in combination with external factors such as stress and climate can change the skin’s condition and response to products.

Constantly changing your skin care routine isn’t always recommended, but in the summertime you should take more precautions to protect your skin. This is even more evident in the Philippines due to the unforgiving heat spreads throughout the country.

To help you out with your summer skincare essentials shopping, this article contains some great skin care products that are sure to come in handy during this hot and sunny season.


Sunscreen and Sunblock

As the most essential summer skincare essentials, these two go without saying! There are various levels of SPF available in the market, and of various consistency.

Nowadays, sunblock and sunscreen can be bought in a liquid consistency and pumped through a spray nozzle as opposed to the typical lotion-type. Even the scalp needs protection from the harmful UV rays, and the sun-protectors with a liquid consistency can be applied to the scalp since it can be easily absorbed.

Also, there are variants that are specifically designed for swimming and does not easily come off in the water. Whether if it’s a sunscreen or sunblock, it is better to apply it at least 15 minutes before sun exposure to ensure that the product has already been absorbed.


Lip Balm

Do keep in mind that the skin on the lips are more delicate and can be easily dried out by the heat of the sun even on a regular day. This is why it is even more important to moisturize them during the summer season. Choose a lip balm that offers SPF protection; SPF 15 is the ideal SPF level specifically for the lips.

Regularly re-apply lip balm throughout the day especially when outdoors to ensure constant protection from the UV rays.


Face Mist

Facial Mist is a product that has recently surfaced in the market. This product is highly effective in providing a quick boost of coolness and freshness especially in an outdoor setting. For an even added cooling sensation when sprayed, store the facial mist in a cooler.

Just like any skin care product, facial mist also has specific variants, each with their own benefits.



Aside from the general coolness provided by most facial mist, the Rosewater contents can aid in soothing skin irritation that is primarily caused by exposure to an unbearable intensity of heat. Rosewater in combination with Coconut water and Witch Hazel can provide skin with the ultimate hydration and anti-inflammation, which is highly ideal during the summer season.


Hyaluronic Acid

Often used for younger and fresher looking skin, Hyaluronic Acid is commonly seen in cream and serum form. Fortunately, it is now available in mist form and can be applied anytime throughout the day for an instant freshness to the skin along with a few anti-aging properties.


Aloe Vera Gel

Just like facial mists, a tube of Aloe Vera gel is nice to carry around for a quick boost of freshness and relief. Aloe Vera gel can also restore moisture and protect from possible further damage to the skin.

In addition, the natural coolness of an Aloe Vera gel can soothe sunburn. It can also quicken the healing process of sunburned skin. In severe cases, a sunburned area can become infected. Fortunately, Aloe Vera gel naturally has antibacterial capabilities which can ward off any infection-causing bacteria.

Exposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays also leads to wrinkles; by applying Aloe Vera gel after sun exposure you can reduce or even reverse its horrible effects. Such results can be achieved through the gel’s antioxidant properties, especially Carotene.


Key Takeaway

By choosing the right sun-protecting products for you, you’ll be all set for the summer! Make sure to take note of these summer skin care essentials the next time you go out!

Unilever Network Philippines: Beneficial Oils to Add to Your Skin Care Routine

What are the different oils that can benefit your skin?

  1. Argan Oil
  2. Sunflower Oil
  3. Tea Tree Oil
  4. Coconut Oil
  5. Rosehip Oil
  6. Grapeseed Oil


Everyone has their own grooming ritual, some more complicated than the others. To help consumers of all genders, the beauty industry is constantly coming up with new products, just like Unilever Network Philippines, for maintenance. More importantly, they aim to solve various skin problems to reduce expensive visits to the dermatologist.

While new products are out every day, today’s grooming and beauty rituals are rooted in practices that dated back to the previous civilizations. In an effort to avoid harsh chemicals, the beauty industry is now turning back to more natural ingredients. For example, they are able to extract and distribute natural oils proven to be beneficial to the skin that many would otherwise not have easy access to.


Argan Oil

Also regarded as the “Miracle Oil”, this oil is sourced from the Argan trees that are highly abundant in Morocco.

With its high level of vitamin E and vitamin A content combined with more antioxidants, Argan oil can maintain the skin’s youthful glowing look. In addition, such effect can be achieved through the Polyphenol contents that function to stimulate the turnover of cells and also cell growth.

Skin inflammation caused by acne are reduced and the skin cells are restored through the triterpenoid elements that Argan oil naturally contains. In addition, it helps lessen sebum levels in those with naturally oily skin.


Sunflower Oil

Similar to the loud and bright petals that this flower has, it can also provide a brightening effect to the skin most especially to old acne marks and dark spots and extremely dark eye bags. Even problems with uneven skin tones can be reduced by this brightening oil. Such brightening effects can result from the oil’s rich nutrient and antioxidant contents.

Aside from its cosmetic purpose, it also has medical use such as fighting inflammation, redness, irritation, and even skin conditions like Eczema. In order to fully achieve the desired changes, the “all natural” variant should be applied.


Tea Tree Oil

A cult favourite, the Tea Tree Oil has been known through time to be the perfect choice for treating acne naturally. The anti-bacterial properties of this oil enable it to not only banish any type of a pimple and blackheads but also sooth the skin and eliminate the source of foot odor. Skin conditions like Psoriasis can be relieved by this classic oil.


Coconut Oil

The Coconut fruit is regarded as the “Miracle Fruit” because all parts can be utilized for a variety of things.

Coconut oil can be an effective makeup remover to replace chemical-based products found on the market. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Lastly, Coconut oil contains an SPF level of 4. Despite its low SPF level, it can still provide effective skin protection against solar radiation.


Rosehip Oil

With its high level of Vitamin C and Vitamin A content, Rosehip Oil is the perfect option for dull skin. These elements can enhance the regeneration of the skin’s Epidermis Cells; thus, brightening the overall appearance of the skin.

Rosehip Oil can also act as a barrier to the skin from exterior pollutants and even sun damage from the severe UV rays.


Grapeseed Oil

This oil is highly advised for individuals with oily skin because they can reap the benefits of this oil without the greasy feeling. Compared to other oils, Grapeseed oil is instantly absorbed by the skin which is why it does not feel greasy to the skin.

Aside from the typical benefits that essential oils can provide to the skin like acne healing and skin lightening, Grapeseed oil has pore-tightening properties.

And Just like Coconut Oil, this oil is a great alternative to chemical-based makeup removers.


Key Takeaway

Those are the different essential oils that can take care of any skin concern and condition. From the bumps and lumps to skin discoloration, those oils are sure to help solve the problem.

Make sure to consider your skin type and the problems you want to address before choosing which oils to use. The best thing about including oils in your skin care routine is that it’s not just for the face – some can be used for the hair and other parts of the body!