Skincare Hacks for Workaholics with Beyonde Philippines

What are skincare hacks for workaholics?

  1. Keep makeup wipes beside your bed
  2. Tie your hair in a loose braid
  3. Use dry shampoo
  4. Stock up on all-in-one products
  5. Use petroleum jelly
  6. Drink water before bed


Every day we go through our daily routines outside of the home. Working, commuting, and simply eating out are just some of the daily activities that most working people have to face regardless of they feel. Oftentimes, people even work extra hours to finish up a task and wind up leaving the office feeling tired.

Aside from engaging in proper exercise and a balanced diet with supplements like Beyonde in the Philippines, there are simpler skincare routine tips that can help you prepare faster so you can get to stay in bed longer to catch up those extra hours of sleep. There are many instances when an entire skincare routine is thrown out of the window because the struggle of getting ready early in the morning is already consuming too much of our precious time. Here are some of the skincare hacks you can try so you’ll look healthy and beautiful without exerting a lot of effort:


Keep makeup wipes beside your bed

Workaholics often crave the feeling of going straight to bed after a long day at work, and the last thing you want to do is to spend a few minutes doing your beauty routine. You don’t want to wake up the next morning with a lipstick-stained pillow or even worse, a breakout from those clogged pores just because you missed a night washing your face. By keeping a pack of makeup wipes beside your bed, you can skip your 5-step evening routine with just one swipe.


Tie your hair in a loose braid

Tie your hair in a loose braid

Most of the time, girls sleep with their hair up in a ponytail to keep strands from constantly falling on your face. Want effortless hairstyle? Swap the ponytail with some loose curls. If curling your hair with an iron curler takes so much time, tie your hair in a loose low braid before going to bed.

Once you wake up, set to blow dry or run a flat straightening iron over the braid. Undo the braid and you have now gorgeous loose curls for the day. If you have thin hair, never tie the braid too tight. Use silk bands that can hold your hair in shape.


Use dry shampoo

Woke up with greasy hair but have no time to shower? Invest in dry shampoo. Dry shampoos are popular for people who are constantly on the go. Besides maintaining their hair clean and in place, it’s perfect for those lazy or busy days in between washes. By spraying on some dry shampoo will bring hair back to life from root to tip.

Make sure to choose a shampoo that keeps your hair smell great while also acting as a styling spray for longevity and volume. These products not only make your hair volumized, but they also keep your tresses from clumping while even adding in some shine.


Stock up on all-in-one products

Stock up on all-in-one products

Multi-tasking products are every busy girl’s best friend. From tinted moisturizers with SPF and lip and cheek tints, you can skip steps from your everyday routine so you’ll have extra time in activities other than preparing for work.

When buying beauty products, it’s a great idea to stick to those that target more than a single skin or beauty problem. Using all-in-one products can also help in lessening the number of items in the bag you bring every day. Lastly, make sure to find products that will suit your skin type.


Use petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly can be used in many of your everyday needs. You must definitely include it on your skincare must-haves. Suffering from cracked feet? Apply a good amount of petroleum jelly before going to bed, and wearing comfortable socks will surely keep your feet smooth. Want your favorite perfume last the whole day? Apply a pea-sized amount on your neck and wrists before spraying. Petroleum jelly can even be used as a lip balm when you have chapped lips.


Drink water before bed

Drink water before bed

While having six to eight hours of sleep can do wonders for your skin, most people tend to get dehydrated while sleeping. Before going to bed, try to consume one large glass of water to help keep you refreshed. It will provide your body with sufficient water levels needed to flush all unwanted toxins inside, cleansing the system.

This is especially important for you if you’ve consumed oily and fatty foods for dinner or have been drinking alcohol. You can also consume drinks with antioxidants like Beyonde Maqui Plus that reduce risks of age-related diseases and promote overall being.


Key Takeaway

There are days where we feel as though we have no time at all for doing skincare routines. With these skincare hacks, you can still feel your absolute best without exerting too much effort.

From different skincare products and easy-to-follow tips, you can still look healthy and beautiful inside and out along with the help of proper exercise and balanced diet with supplements like Beyonde in the Philippines.

Let’s Get Physical: Exercises You Can Do While at Work

What are exercises you can do while at work?

  1. Leg exercises
  2. Arm exercises
  3. Core exercises
  4. Thigh and glute exercises



Living a healthy life means not only eating the right food and taking dietary supplements from brands like Beyonde, but also exercising regularly. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with finding time for physical activity. We spend most of our days in the office, just sitting down by our desks. Instead of going to the gym, why not just work out in the office instead? These are exercises everyone can do while you are at work:



Leg Exercises

 Leg Exercises

Stair climbing

Use the stairs instead of the elevator during your breaks.

  • To make the most out of your stairs, climb them with the proper walking posture. First, make sure your shoulders, hip, knees, and ankles are in a straight line. Next, hold your head high with your navel pulled to your spine.
  • As you walk, hold the handrail for added balance and count the number of steps you take to avoid looking down.


Seated Leg Raisers

  • First, make sure your chair has a lot of leg space.
  • Sit near the edge of the chair, then straighten your right leg.
  • Raise your right leg and then lower it. Do the same for the left leg.
  • Alternate between right and left leg for 30 reps.


Leg curls

  • Place your hands on the back of your chair as support.
  • Kick your left leg until your feet reach the back of your thigh.
  • Lower the leg and do the same step on the other side.
  • Do 10 reps.



Arm Exercises

Wall pushup

  • Place your hands on a wall with arms at shoulder length and straight elbows close to your side.
  • To do a pushup, just inhale and bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Afterward, straighten your elbows and exhale.
  • One set is 12 pushups.


Triceps push-back

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  • With your arms by your side, face your palms to the back.
  • Move your arms from the back for 5 seconds, and then move it to the front. Do this for 20 reps.


Bicep curls

Instead of weights, you can use two water bottles or juice bottles, like Beyonde Maqui Plus.

  • While standing, take the bottles in both hands and face your palms upward.
  • Start curling your arms from your thighs up toward your chest. Pause in this position for 5 seconds before bringing it down.
  • Repeat these bicep curls 15 times.



  • While sitting down, straighten your back and place feet firmly on the ground.
  • Put your hands on a prayer position.
  • Push both hands with contracted arm muscles for 20 seconds, then lower your hands.
  • Repeat 10 reps.



Core Exercises

Core Exercises

Desk Chair Swivels

Twirling your chair will strengthen your oblique muscles.

  • Move your chair away from your table until only fingertips reach.
  • Raise your feet until they hover and stand straight.
  • Contract your core and twirl your chair in the left, center, and right direction while your upper-body stays still.
  • Repeatedly swivel your chair until you reach 20 reps.


Double Knee Lifts

  • Sit near the edge of your desk chair.
  • Place feet firmly on the ground and hands on the bottom of the chair seat for balance.
  • With your core, raise your knees and lower them. Repeat this 10 times.


Core clench

This simple exercise not only strengthens your core but is also a great position to do while you work at your desk.

  • Stand straight and clench your butt cheeks. To make clenching easier, put a bit of distance between your spine and the back of the chair



Thigh and Glute Exercises

Wall Sits

A movement that serves as a fantastic variation of a static hold.

  • Start the exercise by standing with a straight back against a wall, with feet shoulder width apart and 1 foot away from the surface.
  • Then, bend your knees until they are in a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your knees are directly above your ankles.
  • For 60 seconds, stay in the position while contracting your abdominal muscles
  • Repeat for 10 reps.


Calf raises

A great exercise to do before your meeting.

  • Face sideways to a wall and place your hand on the surface.
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Raise your heels until you are standing on tippy toes.
  • Stand on your tippy toes for 5 seconds then lower back down.
  • Repeat everything 12 times.


Load buster

Work your thighs by carrying a load in between your knees.

  • Get any small load in your office (ex. Rolled towel, Beyonde Maqui Plus bottle).
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground while sitting down, and place the load in between your knees. Then, hold your hands by the hips.
  • Using your core and thighs, lift up both knees up to the chest.
  • While your knees are lifted, extend your legs forward and squeeze the thighs for 3 seconds before bringing your knees down.
  • Repeat for 15 reps.



Key Takeaway

To live a healthy life, you should not just stick with consuming the right food and Beyonde supplements, but he or she should exercise regularly. Unfortunately, most of our time is spent in the office. Exercise is not strictly limited to the gym. Besides the movements listed above, there are many ways that you can get a good work out in, even at work!

How to Achieve Ultimate Beauty Inside and Out

How can you achieve ultimate beauty inside and out?

  1. Stay healthy
  2. Maintain a positive attitude
  3. Be active
  4. Always remember self-care
  5. Take care of your skin



Whether you live in a foreign country or in the Philippines, Unilever Network is at the forefront of delivering beauty and wellness products for everyone like the Beyonde Maqui Plus. In addition to the products and services they sell, the brand also makes sure that their consumers make the most out of life especially in terms of their health. This includes achieving that beauty inside and out. It is easy to radiate confidence when you are assured of yourself which is why you should keep in mind that you are beautiful in your own right.

A person’s physical appearance can be enhanced by what they think and feel. Seeing the world with excitement and confidence is what makes all the difference. This quality transcends the superficiality of the definition of beauty. With that, start being your most beautiful with Unilever Network Philippines now. Here’s how:



Stay Healthy

Stay Healthy

Being healthy has its perks. Maintaining a healthy physicality and mindset is greatly attributed to radiating a particular glow. Aside from the obvious health benefits, adopting healthy habits also helps in staying beautiful, inside and out. To stay healthy means you are well enough to take care of your body which affects the way you see and deal with your environment.

Adapt this attitude by staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, staying away from bad habits, and maintaining a balanced diet. All of these acts are essential to achieving an enhanced viewpoint in life, ultimately causing beauty in everything that you do.



Maintain a Positive Attitude

Have you noticed that when you are passionate about something, the way you carry yourself also follows? It is the same thing with maintaining a positive attitude. If you exude positivity with every turn that your life carries you to, this can reflect in your outer beauty as well.

People will instantly notice if you have a positive outlook on life because doing so will also affect the way you treat those around you. In order to do this, you should learn how to treat yourself properly. Do not dwell on negative emotions because this will take a toll on your mental health and carry over to the way you present yourself to the world. Offer a smile for those around you, you will never know how much you can infect someone with these positive vibes of yours.



Be Active

Be Active

Being active is one of the most powerful ways to radiate beauty inside and out. Regular exercise helps you to face the day with a great attitude. This is one of the best and powerful ways to boost your spirits and help you prepare for whatever you aim to do for the day.

Exercise has been known to alleviate symptoms of depression and stress which will coincide with the goal of staying positive to maintain beauty inside and out. There’s only one word to explain its ability to make you happy: endorphins. These hormones are the reasons why you feel extra bright after a great workout because this is your body’s natural way to maintain a positive feeling. So start moving and receive those endorphins which are the best ways to be happy.



Always Remember Self-Care

This is something that a lot of people seem to forget. Self-care is a surefire way to deal with staying innately beautiful. Talking about self-care, there are other things that should be included for this habit and these are self-acceptance, self-love, and self-forgiveness. Yes, it is not easy to master these values but always remember that awareness is the first step to this.

Negativity can be shown if you constantly harness thoughts of these nature. Do not let this be a prevailing habit. Keep in mind that there will be struggles, mistakes, and difficulties, but how you face them with a great mindset is what truly matters.



Take Care of Your Skin

The secret to a healthy glow is to exert effort in taking care of your skin. Doing so by investing in antioxidants like the Beyonde Maqui Plus will help you achieve and receive these benefits. Beyond that, you should also take time to cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin so you can maintain that beautiful outer appearance. With this, a confidence boost is sure to follow which can ultimately influence your positivity and mindset. Taking care of your skin is so much more than just wanting to be attractive, it can also positively affect your thoughts and attitude which is a win-win situation for all.



Key Takeaway

Being beautiful inside and out is something that everyone can achieve. This is not only a personal victory but it is one that can affect your relationships and perspective on life. With brands such as Unilever expressing their desire to help you maintain this quality, you should be aware that you are not alone on this journey. Be your best self  and make it count!