Unilever Network Philippines: Beneficial Oils to Add to Your Skin Care Routine

What are the different oils that can benefit your skin?

  1. Argan Oil
  2. Sunflower Oil
  3. Tea Tree Oil
  4. Coconut Oil
  5. Rosehip Oil
  6. Grapeseed Oil


Everyone has their own grooming ritual, some more complicated than the others. To help consumers of all genders, the beauty industry is constantly coming up with new products, just like Unilever Network Philippines, for maintenance. More importantly, they aim to solve various skin problems to reduce expensive visits to the dermatologist.

While new products are out every day, today’s grooming and beauty rituals are rooted in practices that dated back to the previous civilizations. In an effort to avoid harsh chemicals, the beauty industry is now turning back to more natural ingredients. For example, they are able to extract and distribute natural oils proven to be beneficial to the skin that many would otherwise not have easy access to.


Argan Oil

Also regarded as the “Miracle Oil”, this oil is sourced from the Argan trees that are highly abundant in Morocco.

With its high level of vitamin E and vitamin A content combined with more antioxidants, Argan oil can maintain the skin’s youthful glowing look. In addition, such effect can be achieved through the Polyphenol contents that function to stimulate the turnover of cells and also cell growth.

Skin inflammation caused by acne are reduced and the skin cells are restored through the triterpenoid elements that Argan oil naturally contains. In addition, it helps lessen sebum levels in those with naturally oily skin.


Sunflower Oil

Similar to the loud and bright petals that this flower has, it can also provide a brightening effect to the skin most especially to old acne marks and dark spots and extremely dark eye bags. Even problems with uneven skin tones can be reduced by this brightening oil. Such brightening effects can result from the oil’s rich nutrient and antioxidant contents.

Aside from its cosmetic purpose, it also has medical use such as fighting inflammation, redness, irritation, and even skin conditions like Eczema. In order to fully achieve the desired changes, the “all natural” variant should be applied.


Tea Tree Oil

A cult favourite, the Tea Tree Oil has been known through time to be the perfect choice for treating acne naturally. The anti-bacterial properties of this oil enable it to not only banish any type of a pimple and blackheads but also sooth the skin and eliminate the source of foot odor. Skin conditions like Psoriasis can be relieved by this classic oil.


Coconut Oil

The Coconut fruit is regarded as the “Miracle Fruit” because all parts can be utilized for a variety of things.

Coconut oil can be an effective makeup remover to replace chemical-based products found on the market. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Lastly, Coconut oil contains an SPF level of 4. Despite its low SPF level, it can still provide effective skin protection against solar radiation.


Rosehip Oil

With its high level of Vitamin C and Vitamin A content, Rosehip Oil is the perfect option for dull skin. These elements can enhance the regeneration of the skin’s Epidermis Cells; thus, brightening the overall appearance of the skin.

Rosehip Oil can also act as a barrier to the skin from exterior pollutants and even sun damage from the severe UV rays.


Grapeseed Oil

This oil is highly advised for individuals with oily skin because they can reap the benefits of this oil without the greasy feeling. Compared to other oils, Grapeseed oil is instantly absorbed by the skin which is why it does not feel greasy to the skin.

Aside from the typical benefits that essential oils can provide to the skin like acne healing and skin lightening, Grapeseed oil has pore-tightening properties.

And Just like Coconut Oil, this oil is a great alternative to chemical-based makeup removers.


Key Takeaway

Those are the different essential oils that can take care of any skin concern and condition. From the bumps and lumps to skin discoloration, those oils are sure to help solve the problem.

Make sure to consider your skin type and the problems you want to address before choosing which oils to use. The best thing about including oils in your skin care routine is that it’s not just for the face – some can be used for the hair and other parts of the body!

Aviance: Tools You Can Use for Better Cleansing of Your Skin

What are the different useful tools for a thorough cleansing of the face?

  1. Pore cleansing pad
  2. Konjac Sponge
  3. Pore cleaning brushes
    • Standard brush
    • Rotating
    • Vibrating


Maintaining a clear and acne-free skin can be difficult due to the various possible causes of acne. Despite numerous methods of eradicating these blemishes, these bumps and marks seem to take forever to fade away!

Contributing factors that affect the skin’s condition such as menstruation for women, hormonal imbalance, stress, use of cosmetics with certain harmful ingredients. One effective way of combatting these pesky blemishes is by ensuring that your face is clean using the various effective skin care products by Aviance.

Washing the face in the morning and before going to bed is one of the basic steps to remove dirt build-up which could cause whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. However, sometimes simply washing of the face with water and cleanser is still insufficient. Even after a deep cleanse with your favorite facial cleanser, there may still be tiny dirt particles stuck inside the pores. This is especially true if you’re exposed to extreme pollution or are wearing makeup.

These dirt sediments may not be much, but it may be enough to clog and infect a pore which could eventually develop into a pimple. This is why the skincare industry is constantly developing new products and ways to thoroughly cleanse all types of skin. Here are some of those cleansing aids you may want to try!


Pore Cleansing Pad

A silicone pad has tiny bristles that are firm enough to brush away dirt particles that are clogging the pores. At the same time, these bristles are also soft enough to massage the skin without applying too much pressure which could be damaging to the skin.

The recommended method of using this is by applying your favorite cleanser as you normally would. Afterward, massage the silicone pad in a circular motion to exfoliate the skin and brush away the build-up of dirt and dead skin cells.


Konjac Sponge

For a gentler approach to deep cleansing, especially for those with sensitive skin, konjac sponges can remove the debris and dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. This tool is extremely gentle on the skin that it can be used even on sensitive parts of the face like on the eyelids and under eyes.

This sponge is also easy to use. If the sponge is new, wet it for 10 to 20 minutes prior to the cleansing session. Squeeze out the excess water from the sponge then dab in your favorite facial cleanser then scrub your skin.


Pore Cleansing Brush

This skincare tool stands out among the rest with its densely packed bristles that are extremely soft. Such elements can provide the skin its needed exfoliation along with a mild massage. Due to its velvety feel to the skin, it is highly recommended for clearing the pores of those who have severely sensitive skin.

There are different variations of this tool which consumers could choose from.

The first is a simple pore cleansing brush with soft bristles. This variant does not move or rotate, unlike the other variants of pore cleansing brushes. Due to its compact size and light-weight feature, this cleansing brush is perfect to carry during trips.

Compared to the first variant, a rotating pore cleansing brush can purify the skin up to six times more than the standard variant. Through sonic technology, this brush oscillates around to dislodge the dirt and dead skin cells building up on the skin.

With its gentle circular motion, the skin is softened, smoothened and has acquired a subtle natural radiance. More importantly, the pores are cleansed and even minimized by the brush. In order to cater to various skin types, there are different brush heads allotted specifically for normal, sensitive, and acne-prone skin.

The last variant is a vibrating pore cleansing brush and can either have a circular or triangular shape. The vibration in combination with the velvet soft bristles not only cleanse the pores of the skin but also massages the facial muscles to promote blood circulation. A triangular-shaped brush head works well for the T-zone area and the various corners of the face.

When using any variant of a pore cleansing brush, you can either apply the product directly to your face or on the bristles of the brush.


Key Takeaway

Do keep in mind to use a light hand when using any of these tools and make sure you don’t over cleanse your face. Doing so can strip off the natural oils produced by your skin. Whichever cleaning tool you try out, make sure you choose the right product that is suitable for your skin type.

Aviance: Steps to Follow to Thoroughly Cleanse Your Face After a Night out

What are the steps to follow to thoroughly cleanse your face after a night out?

  1. Remove the makeup with a makeup remover.
  2. Wash the face with a facial cleanser.
  3. Exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells.
  4. Apply a face pack to further remove any impurities.
  5. Swipe your face with a toner.
  6. Apply a serum and/or a moisturizer.
  7. Apply eye cream on the eye area for added moisture.


It’s fun to glam up and prettify oneself for a night out. Whether it’s a date with a special someone or a party night at the club, a little bit of makeup will surely add up to the splendor of the event.

Unfortunately, just like Cinderella’s gown, the applied makeup has to be removed at the end of the night. And afterward comes the skin care regimen involving the highly effective skincare products of Aviance.

These products will provide the necessary nourishment to the skin and bring back its youthful glow.

If you want to know how to properly care for your skin, especially after a long night of wearing makeup, then keep on reading!


Remove your makeup.

Remove your makeup.

Before anything else, the makeup on the face must be removed prior to any washing.

There are different kinds of makeup removers available in the market. Some examples are oil-based, balms, micellar water, or even wipes specifically intended for removing makeup.

After applying the makeup remover, don’t wash your face just yet. Let the product sit on your skin and dissolve the makeup first—this will soften the product and lead to easier wiping. This way, there won’t be a need for rubbing and tugging just to get the product off.

Always keep in mind that any friction applied can cause premature aging and damage to the skin, especially around the eye area.


Wash your face.

It’s not enough to just remove the makeup. After all, there may be still some makeup residue left, which is why washing your face is still necessary.

Washing the face with hot water can dry out the skin; cold water, on the other hand, can be too abrasive. It’s recommended that you use lukewarm water to easily lift out the dirt on the skin.

When cleaning the face, choose a cleanser that suits your skin condition.

For a gentle yet highly effective cleanser, try the Absolute White Brightening Cleansing Foam by Aviance.


Exfoliate the skin.

Exfoliate the skin.

Dead skin cells that clog the pores can be removed by exfoliating using a face scrub.

This step will also prevent the skin from appearing too dull.

Use a light pressure when exfoliating the skin and focus on the oily areas.

Make sure to do this only a few times a week since the skin might be irritated if it’s done daily.

When drying off the face, do not rub it with a towel. Instead, just use a gentle patting motion. Again, rubbing can cause friction which leads to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.


Use a face pack.

Aside from the common benefits of skin care products—such as for additional hydration, for minimizing pores, or for clearing away excess oils—face packs also do an exceptional job of expelling away impurities.

After a tiring yet fun night out, a face mask can provide your skin not just with benefits, but also with relaxation since it has tons of therapeutic properties. Most manufactured face packs, after all, are saturated with essential oils such as mint or rosemary.


Swipe your face with a toner.

Swipe your face with a toner.

A cotton ball soaked with toner can balance out the skin’s pH. Plus, it also helps thoroughly cleanse the skin.

The t-zone area of the face tends to be oilier than the rest of the face, which calls for regular toning. After all, a toner provides hydration to your skin, and when it’s stripped off moisture, it tends to produce more sebum, which means that toning is necessary even if you have oily skin!


Apply a serum and a moisturizer.

The application of serum or a moisturizer depends on the person’s preference. You may opt for only one. Or you can choose to use both.

Serums target specific skin concerns, such as redness and skin-aging.

On the other hand, a moisturizer, as the name implies, brings back the moisture that might have been removed due to the cleansing steps.

Moisturizers used during the night have a heavier consistency than the ones used in the morning since the skin absorbs skincare products better at night. Plus, applying heavy and rich moisturizers only at night means that you won’t need to worry about your makeup dissolving.


Apply an eye cream.

Apply an eye cream.

Out of all the parts of the face, the eye area has the thinnest skin. This calls for additional moisture, which an eye cream is designed to do.

Pat or massage a small, pea-sized amount of eye cream on the lid of the eyes all the way to the brow bone.

Also, do not forget to gently pat the eye cream on the under eye part.


Key Takeaway

These are the steps that you can follow to thoroughly cleanse your skin after a night of excitement, and this includes incorporating Aviance skin care products into your regimen.

Religiously follow these steps and you’re guaranteed to achieve a flawless, radiant, and youthful complexion!

Aviance: Emergency Treatment for a Pimple Before a Date

What are the effective emergency treatments for a pimple?

  • Purchase Aviance products.
  • Do not pop the pimple.
  • Use an extractor.
  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste.
  • Apply a few drops of honey.
  • Dab on some lemon juice.
  • Apply witch hazel.
  • Dab on rosewater.
  • Make green tea ice cubes.
  • Apply concealer.


Most people spend plenty of time to look presentable for a date.

Some people, in fact, spend a day at the salon to prettify themselves before a date night.

Imagine: preparing the most flattering dress, killer heels, and even getting your nails done, only to find out that a large pimple appeared the day before your date.

You rack your brain for the reason behind this pimple’s presence. And then you remember that you’ve been too preoccupied with stressing about this special event that you forgot to focus on your daily skincare regimen, which is full of Aviance products.

Don’t go popping that pimple just yet! Here are some emergency home remedies for that monstrous pimple.


Main Goals When Getting Rid of Acne

In order to successfully get rid of a pimple, here are the key points to keep in mind.

  • Un-clog the pore.
  • Directly kill the bacteria that caused the pimple to appear (which is found in the pore).
  • Make sure that both the pore and the skin surrounding it heal immediately.


Steps to Do When Trying to Clear out Skin


  • Purchase the Aviance products that you need for your regimen.

The products from Aviance can provide the necessary cleansing and restoration for your skin without being too harsh.



Do not pop your pimple.

  • Do not pop your pimple.

It may be tempting to pop a pimple because doing so seems to extinguish the problem, but don’t do it!

In fact, doing so would just make the situation worse, because it will turn into an open wound and eventually form a scab.

Though it is not advisable to cover a pimple with makeup, like concealer and foundation, a pimple is still easier to cover up than an open wound.


  • Use a pimple extractor.

Only use this to check if the plug can already be removed from the pore.

Just loop the extractor around a pimple and see if the plug will pop out easily.

If it does not, then do not force the plug to come out. Doing so will only cause the pore to erupt, which might lead to hemorrhage on your skin.


  • Apply some toothpaste.

This may be a surprising technique, yet it is highly effective.

Toothpaste labeled as “plaque fighting” has gentle bactericides that fend off bacteria in the mouth.

The bacteria-fighting ingredients of a toothpaste can prevent the development of pimples. These active ingredients can penetrate even deep into the skin’s dermis layer, which is where acne-causing bacteria breeds.



Apply a few drops of honey.

  • Apply a few drops of honey.

Honey has a very powerful antibacterial property that can be useful against pimple-causing bacteria.

It is also hygroscopic, which means that it draws out the skin’s moisture where these bacteria breed and grow.

In addition, the low pH level hinders any further development of the bacteria on the skin.


  • Dab on some lemon juice.

When trying this method, make sure that the pimple has not undergone any physical trauma. If it is applied on a popped pimple, lemon’s acid could burn an open wound and eventually lead to scarring.

Lemon contains ascorbic acids which can act as an antibacterial, which can help ward off the acne-causing bacteria and dry out the blemish.

It can also be used as an astringent to shrink down the size of the pores and tighten the skin.

As an added bonus, lemon is also an effective bleaching agent for old acne scars and dark spots. Just make sure to avoid direct exposure to sunlight afterward, since the lemon extract made the skin sensitive towards the sun.


  • Have a hot water and salt session.

Mix in some salt with hot water. Afterward, soak some paper towel in the blend and position it directly over the concerned area.

The skin’s pores will open up because of the hot water, and the salt will dry out the excess oils.



Dab on some witch hazel.

  • Dab on some witch hazel.

Soak a cotton ball with a witch hazel astringent, then gently press it against the pimple for a minute.


  • Make some rosewater.

Aside from a natural and long-lasting fragrance, rosewater also helps calm down and repair the skin.

There are some bottles of rosewater sold in drugstores and beauty counters, but it can also be done at home.

Place freshly removed rose petals in a pot and pour in an ample amount of distilled water in it. Make sure that you don’t put too much water, or else the mix will be too diluted.

Simmer the mixture over medium heat for twenty to thirty minutes.

Afterward, strain the rose particles. Store the blend in a jar and apply to the problem area.



Freeze some green tea into ice cubes.

  • Freeze some green tea into ice cubes.

Rubbing frozen green tea over the affected area two or three times a day can help soothe the skin and ease the swelling. Plus, the green tea acts as a natural astringent.


  • Apply a concealer.

For worse case scenarios, and if the pimple does not dry out before the date, you may need to apply a concealer. But make sure that the concealer is non-comedogenic, so that the pimple’s condition will not worsen.


Key Takeaway

There are plenty of ways to calm down a pimple, and most of them are remedies that you can do at the comforts of your home.

But at the end of the day, prevention is still better than cure.

To make sure that your skin is in its prime condition during a date, then don’t forget to stock up on your trusted skin care products from Aviance.

How to Remove Pimples and Blackheads Efficiently with the Help of Philippine Aviance Products

How can you get rid of your pimples and blackheads?

  • Use nose strips to remove blackheads
  • Use facial wash cream to treat pimples
  • Pay your dermatologist a visit
  • Apply egg whites on your face
  • Use a clay mask
  • Apply turmeric and mint tea mixture to your face
  • Use a green tea scrub


One of the worst problems for your skin and face is getting pimples and blackheads. These are caused by a build up of bacteria and dirt inside the pores of your face, which causes the skin to become irritated. Pimples and blackheads are very problematic, as they cause your skin and face to have unsightly marks that can cause scars or blemishes.

Thankfully, there are a lot of ways to remove them effectively to keep your face clean, like products from Aviance Philippines, and a host of other beauty and hygiene brands that help make sure your face be pimple free. To help you out, here are some effective methods on how to remove pimples and blackheads efficiently:


Use Nose Stripes to remove blackheads

One of the most effective products that you can use to remove blackheads are nose strips. These simple but effective products would be able to remove blackheads effectively in only a matter of minutes. All you need is to stick it using water, wait for a few minutes to completely dry, and then peel it off. After peeling, you can definitely see all of the blackheads that it was able to remove, which lets your pores breathe once more. These strips also come in affordable prices, meaning you would not have to break the bank to maintain perfect skin.


Use Facial Wash Cream for pimples

Common in a lot of households, facial wash cream is still one of the most effective ways to prevent pimples from appearing on your skin. All you need to do is apply it on your skin, rinse it off, and dry your face afterwards. Facial cream covers your skin with a protective layer that shields your skin from bacteria and dirt. There are many different kinds of cream you can get, with some from Aviance Philippines being one of the best in the local market.

Visit your Dermatologist

Visit your Dermatologist

Sometimes, it is best to visit the doctor should your pimples and blackheads become too troublesome to handle. Dermatologists will be able to diagnose if you have skin allergies and infections that cause blackheads and pimples and provide you with the best medicine available. They also make sure that your intake of medicine and the products that you apply on your face would be safe for your skin. When things go rough on your skin, it is always worth going to your local dermatologist.


Use Egg Whites

Egg whites are not only a healthy part of your diet, they are also quite effective in removing blackheads and dirt on your face in the same way as products from Aviance Philippines do. Add a thin layer of egg whites on your face as your primary layer. Let it dry for a few minutes before adding another layer, and let that dry for around 15 minutes. Remove the mask and rinse off the remaining egg whites on your face. This will help tighten up your pores and help make your skin feel fresh.


Use a clay mask

One of the more tried and tested methods when it comes to taking care of your face is by using clay masks. They come in many forms and have different ingredients, each having a different scent that would add a pleasant fragrance on your face. The first step is to mix up the clay ingredients together until it all comes together. Apply the mixture on your face, let it dry for around 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off. You will be left with a fresh feeling face that is free of dirt that can cause blackheads and pimples.

Turmeric and Mint Tea

Turmeric and Mint Tea

These are two things that you can easily find in your grocery or in your cupboard. This combination of tea and spice would help you get a clean and cool face that is free from pimples and blackheads. Brew some of the mint tea and let it cool down, and then add two tablespoons of it, along with a tablespoon of turmeric. Apply on your skin, leave it on for 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.


Green Tea Scrub

Green tea has become one of the most popular ingredients in different kinds of food and drinks. It is also an effective way to clean your face up, as it is packed with a good amount of nutrients that are good for your skin. Simply mix some green tea powder in water and then rub it on your face. Rinse it with warm water, and you will now have a clean face that would feel fresh.


Key Takeaway

Pimples and blackheads are really difficult to deal with when they appear on your face. With these simple, yet effective methods, you would be able to make sure that you would be able to have a fresh and clean face that would be free from pimples and blackheads.