Unilever Network Philippines

Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Beyonde Calcium Supplements

What are the benefits of a healthy diet and Beyonde Calcium supplements?

  1. Controls Weight
  2. Mood Enhancer
  3. Lessens the Risk for Diseases
  4. Strong Bone Health



The thing about achieving a healthy diet is that it can be further enhanced by supplements like Beyonde and knowing the benefits of a healthful diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables that greatly improve the nutritional value of a person.

Healthy habits tend to differ from one person to the next but the thing that is similar to all of these practices is that they reap optimal health benefits. More than being adding to physical benefits, healthy habits also pertain to the behavior that ultimately satisfies a positive level of mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

With that said, you can see the advantages of a healthy diet to your physical health as aided by calcium supplements here:



Controls Weight

A healthy diet improves weight control as whole vegetables and fruits tend to have lower calories than most processed foods. If you are searching for the healthy habit that will aid you in your journey to weight loss, then it is as simple as creating a healthy meal plan and staying away from foods that can exceed your caloric requirements.

According to Healthline, studies have shown that low calcium intake can be associated with a high body mass index (BMI) and a chance to have a higher body fat percentage. When you seem to be gaining weight even after following a strict diet, this may be attributed to low calcium intake. That is why it is also recommended that you combine your diet with calcium supplements, so you can receive the additional vitamin that you may lack in the food that you eat.



Mood Enhancer

There is existing evidence that suggests an association of your diet to the way your mood will turn out. This study by Breymeyer, Lampe, McGregor, and Neuhoser affirms that high-glycemic filled diets contribute to the rise of symptoms of depression, neurosis, and anxiety. You may not believe it but eating healthy keeps you happy.

The consumption of food that contains high amounts of processed chemicals also enables this research since it can contribute to low tolerance in mood enhancing attributes. Those supposed “comfort” foods like soft drinks, cakes, chips, and biscuits do not provide the same mood-enhancing quality as vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grains can deliver to you. Consider re-thinking your diet for these physical, mental, and emotional benefits that you will harvest in adopting a healthy diet.



Lessens Risk of Disease

It is called a healthy diet for a reason; it has the ability to ward off diseases that have a higher risk of ailing your body when you perpetuate an unhealthy diet filled with processed food. Taking care of yourself in the form of following a healthy diet with calcium supplements prevent certain health conditions like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

As healthy diets attract progressive physical, mental, and emotional results, this becomes a required activity that will benefit many people in the long run. Eating healthy also contributes to a steady blood flow and it can keep your cholesterol at bay. Just think about the many diseases you put yourself at risk for.

If you cannot bring yourself to imagine the negative effects of unhealthy living, then this is the list of health problems that you may contract if you do not start taking care of your health now:

A healthy diet paired with calcium supplements will be the great detractor for these diseases and several studies have also shown that they can improve your health condition to a significant level.

Calcium supplements and food products also contain enough nutrients to lower the risk of colon cancer and other related diseases. This is a great reminder that the benefits of a healthy diet with sufficient intake of calcium supplements will go a long way toward improving your overall health.



Strong Bone Health

A low intake of calcium can increase the risk of osteoporosis and other bone defects. This is also one of the reasons why you should adopt a healthy diet with calcium supplements. With a healthy diet and the aid of calcium to increase the benefits of that healthy habit, you can harness strong bone health.

Aside from its significant benefits that aid in improving the quality of many bodily functions, the main benefit of calcium intake lies in its ability to improve the strength of bones. Getting enough calcium can do more to improve a person’s bone development and a diet with calcium is the solution to this.

As calcium is a mineral that helps bones maintain its strength, this is beneficial to you because this will allow you to participate in physical activities that you may not do otherwise.



Key Takeaway

With Unilever Network Philippines as your partner, you can achieve maximum improvements in health with an effective diet and a great calcium supplement. As these benefits continue to improve many people’s health value, the attitudes toward healthy habits have been improving.

Talk to us today and ask about the opportunities that you can get with Beyonde so you can share these same advantageous impacts for many people.